"I don't know"
In properly formatted text, you use en dash for ranges.
En dash: 20–40
Hyphen: 20-40
Some (most?) modern text editors will substitute two hyphens with an en dash, so you can easily generate them by typing --
(I get your point though! Just wanted to point out that there are much nicer and more appropriate glyphs than the hyphen.)
Where I live, "accessibility" often means the paper dispenser is so far away from the seat you almost fall to the floor trying to reach it. If you do reach it, you almost certainly will fail to tear it from that distance and the paper will roll out all over the floor. And the roll that should be on the side bar is always missing.
Not my pic but this demonstrates the issue.
I avoid it whenever possible.
Have you heard of Argentine ants?
Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argentine_ant
Radio lab episode: https://radiolab.org/podcast/argentine-invasion
"How about if I sleep a little bit longer and forget all this nonsense"
- Hanks (probably)