It's Spyware. It isn't meant to stop bots.
They are parenting. This is what parenting looks like. You don't just give them everything they want. Sure, you can also choose to give them a phone, and you can choose to lock it down. You can also choose to give them nothing. Parenting is about making those decisions for your child. It isn't about listening to random people tell you stupid things online who act like they're more knowledgeable about your situation.
I'm not the person who brought git up. I was just stating that work is work. Sure, git is doing something useful with it. This is arguably useful without the work itself being important. Work is the thing you're complaining about, not the proof.
This solution is designed to cost scrapers money; it does this by causing them to burn extra electricity. Unless it's at scale, unless it costs them, unless it has an impact, it's not going to deter them.
Yeah, but the effect it has on legitimate usage is trivial. It's a cost to illegitimate scrapers. Them not paying this cost also has an impact on the environment. In fact, this theoretically doesn't. They'll spend the same time scraping either way. This way they get delayed and don't gather anything useful for more time.
To use your salesman analogy, it's similar to that, except their car is going to be running regardless. It just prevents them from reaching as many houses. They're going to go to as many as possible. If you can stall them then they use the same amount of gas, they just reach fewer houses.
Compare this to endlessh. It also wastes hacker's time, but only because it just responds very slowly with and endless stream of header characters. It's making them wait, only they're not running their car while they're waiting.
This is probably wrong, because you're using the salesman idea. Computers have threads. If they're waiting for something then they can switch tasks to something else. It protects a site, but it doesn't slow them down. It doesn't actually really waste their time because they're performing other tasks while they wait.
Let me make sure I understand you: AI is bad because it uses energy, so the solution is to make them use even more energy? And this benefits the environment how?
If they're going to use the energy anyway, we might as well make them get less value. Eventually the cost may be more than the benefit. If it isn't, they spend all the energy they have access to anyway. That part isn't going to change.
Proof of work is just that, proof that it did work. What work it's doing isn't defined by that definition. Git doesn't ask for proof, but it does do work. Presumably the proof part isn't the thing you have an issue with. I agree it sucks that this isn't being used to do something constructive, but as long as it's kept to a minimum in user time scales, it shouldn't be a big deal.
Crypto currencies are an issue because they do the work continuously, 24/7. This is a one-time operation per view (I assume per view and not once ever), which with human input times isn't going to be much. AI garbage does consume massive amounts of power though, so damaging those is beneficial.
It could be infinitely wide too if they desired. It shouldn't be that hard to do I wouldn't think. I would suspect they limit the time a chain can use though to eventually escape out, though this still protects data because it obfuscates legitimate data that it wants. The goal isn't to trap them forever. It's to keep them from getting anything useful.
I saw something recently that was talking about how individualism has led us to this situation. Everyone is thinking what they can do. We lost our collectivist spirit. We don't think about what we can do.
An individual has essentially no power. A group does. We need to get better at organizing. This is made hard because we are so separated from each other, driving individually to work, then back home, largely to houses where you don't interact with anyone else. We have basically no third places anymore where you'd typically organize. This situation was designed, and it's going to be hard to get out of, but we need to get better at forming groups and organizing.
More men have lost than women. Biden was losing worse than she was and he was a white man. You say
I dosnt say she lost because she was a minority...
and then
At this point in history, we need someone who the electorate will perceive as strong enough to stand up to our enemies, and a woman is probably doesn't going to generate that perception.
So, which is it?
Women can be perceived as powerful. If you don't then that's your problem. I'm not going to say Harris did, but it isn't because she's a woman. Biden looked weaker and, again, he's a man. I would say AOC looks stronger. It just takes someone willing to fight. It doesn't take a man. Democrats tend to run non-fighters. That's the issue. Not that they sometimes run women or minorities.
It doesn't know. That's stupid. I assume if it's cleared by shampoo then it has an easier time excreting more. It could also be that shampoo causes it to produce more in some way chemically, or that the oil shielded it from something that causes it to produce more. I don't know the mechanics of it, and I don't think there's been any research into it. All I can say is that my scalp seems to have stopped producing as much oil when I changed how I clean my hair.
I've seen one person post one article saying it isn't real. I read it. It doesn't have any research behind it. It only makes claims like the glands not having sensors. Sure, but many parts of our body perform differently based on different circumstances without sensors. To dismiss all the people with experience with no experience or evidence is pretty short-sighted. I'm sure that doctor is intelligent and knows her stuff to some extent, but she overreached with her conclusion without doing any analysis.
Stop spreading this bullshit. Her being a minority had nothing to do with her losing. She lost totally on her own merit. Fearmongering about minorities losing elections only creates a self-fulfilling prophecy where no minority can run. Also, they chose Biden, a straight white man, so no they don't only run minorities.
I don't think having another option bifurcates it, just like right now you can use Visa, Mastercard, or cash. If set up properly there will be systems to interchange between them. Having one likely won't prevent you from using a certain store or anything else, unless they choose to not support something.