All that orange smoke indicates it had hypergolic fuel onboard, which is toxic
You see these all the time, but they don't look like this because they're only sold commercially. Normally you see a truck box, a big tool rack/cherry picker, or a bus compartment. These are low-volume models that are designed and sold for purposes that actually require these trucks. This truck bed was a custom body job and this vehicle is probably a marketing/promotion model. No one's driving these around as their daily commuters, I doubt very many of these are even owned privately. OP is just just trying to start a disinformation circle-jerk
Lol wildly exaggerated. Largest height difference on Earth's surface is 13 miles (including underwater) vs. the 8,000 mile diameter. To quote NDGT, "The Earth is smoother than a cue ball"
I love ONI and Don't Starve is hard for me to get into. ONI is a mechanical/technical base/management simulator. I'm a huge Factorio player and ONI scratches a pretty similar itch
Second sentence of the update, and it's in bold. Yes, it sounds like players will be able to travel
Too many bugs, not quite vegan
Do you remember the model number? I'd be curious to look into it
Pretty sure everyone knows that the power setting on the microwave just changes the duty cycle of the magnetron. I've never seen a microwave specify wattage when selecting power, usually 1-10 or 1-100, no lies involved. What it does is allows the heat more time to evenly distribute through your food while cooking with the same amount of energy. That super hot bowl and tepid soup won't have as much of a difference when it takes twice as long to cook. Hot spots don't get a chance to get as hot. Psychologically it's easier too because let's be honest, no one's waiting 5 minutes after that timer goes off for the heat to settle
During the day it's white, but it's also overhead and blindingly bright so we don't spend much time looking at it. As it gets closer to the horizon Rayleigh scattering begins filtering out the bluer light and the sun becomes yellow, then orange, then red. It also gets closer to our eyeline and becomes mildly safer to look at so we look at it a lot more. This in turn leads us to believe it's always yellow
Yes, let's compare sexual assault to standard, boilerplate ad ToS. Certainly your experience using Boost for Lemmy is as bad as all those rape victims out there
Kinda puts it into perspective.
Overhydration is a rare but fatal condition that occurs when someone consumes too much water, leading to an electrolyte imbalance. As little as 1 liter an hour can cause this condition. Distilled water has the highest chance of causing this condition with little to no benefit other than taste. Taste preferention is also uncommon as we've generally evolved to seek out mineral-rich water
Not sure why you're getting down votes, I agree totally. I mostly only follow space, sports, and video game news on there. It's a great site for communication