Is being facist towards people born with a low intellectual capacity OK? They cant help it
Buy a mac or support steamOS adoption or just get a linux distro. This will drive the improvement of nontechnical consumer GNU/Linux
You are young and blissfully naive. Sec being included with development is a recent thing
Good, fuck call centers. Make sure the societal benefit is captured via tax
Botw and sequel are critically acclaimed across the board.
The US saying how free it is compares to a small guy telling you how much of an alpha male he is. Unreliable narration
Are you autistic?
I recognise that, I think it's important to make very clear distinctions with no sweeping statements when prescribing value to demographic groups.
This is a reasonable request
Why is 'race' relevant here? What the fuck is wrong with Americans and how did they become so astonishingly self flagellating.
That said... this sounds like one of those fantasy scenarios where "then everyone clapped".
Just on the insecure posture of this tweet, I'm prepared to bet cold hard cash that he asked her for clarity or something with a informational challenge "but does x not come from y?" Or whatever and she manufactured his reasoning and the rest to feel good. She doesn't seem to know what et al means either.
This wasn't him 9 years ago dumbass
Are you simple?