Ah come on. At first you gonna rob the house-animal of it's basic functions. Like procreating. Then the dog goes on a leash, the cat (unless you just let it roam freely) is confined to your house. Then you're the ultimate master of its fate. Not enough money for the extremely expensive operation needed? Euthanasia it is then. Do you feed it like it would feed itself? Or simply put, would you treat your kid the same like your dog? Does it receive the mystery-horror that is canned food? Oh and the food itself is (partly) a horribly murdered non-house-pet-animal. Doesn't this one deserve your love and care too?
And btw I had pets once. Dogs and a cat actually. And I did everything for those lil shits up to the very last minute. But they were kinda "forced" onto me, I would never ever willingly get a pet. And however you might see this, to me it is no kind of "friendship". It's ownership. Literally and even legally speaking. I don't like this concept.
I never said I don't like animals. I do pet them whenever I can and they want to. I really like interacting with any species and learn from it. But I, personally, don't get anything else out of it, emotion-wise. The love of my wife makes me happy, because it's a mutual feeling we can communicate about. The cat (or whichever else animal) does not "love" me. At best it tolerance or even likes my presence. That's not inherently bad or anything, it just is and I wouldn't lie to my it ain't.
I like how you didn't even finish the...oh look a butterfly