
joined 2 years ago
[–] 14 points 1 day ago (9 children)

I mean that's kinda what you get. You go to their instance, talk shit about their instance, and get banned. Any other one would very likely do the same, regardless of orientation

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

They probably have cyberpunk like ambitions at legal corporate armies and the dismantlement of all nations and powers able to contend with them as their long term goal. As long as it is just money lost in the short to mid term I could well see those kinds of people go along with the circus.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I've seen this lady posted a bunch of times around here lately. Is her whole gimmick that she describes things in a bizarre and unhelpful way?

[–] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

Ah I guess I got confused about whom we were talking there. I don't know the Louis guy well enough to judge him, I just came across an interesting post on my all feed and assumed you were referring to librewolf themselves from your phrasing.

Yes I'd agree that is an important option that he ignores there, but my confusion stems from the suggestion that librewolf is "bad" now. Which I see now wasn't what you meant

[–] 5 points 5 days ago (4 children)

It is literally in your screenshot though? Even with a download link.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (6 children)

... And that is not an entirely reasonable position? What I read here is that they both promote the Tor browser for that use case and advise the user to not use LW so they dont accidentally become more identifiable, as a wolf in a herd of tors so to say.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago (8 children)

Whts wrong with librewolf now?

[–] 8 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I mean obviously this has wide ranging implications. If he successfully sues them for climate change damage that would set precedent for much bigger lawsuits coming.

That being said more power to him I hope he gets that entirely reasonable amount of money to protect his home.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I have ADHD too. My method of clearing that backlog when it's too much or the discussion has turned stupid I just hit "mark all as read" in the top right corner (assuming this is voyager too). Then the mind is cleared

[–] 26 points 1 week ago (4 children)

All those notifications... How do you live with yourself?


So, i have been a Linux only user for about a year now I think. I went with bazzite, and am quite happy so far, i haven't yet managed to brick anything and almost everything I want to do is easily done.

However, there is the keyring app that gives me nothing but grief. Supposedly it stores login credentials for applications on the system. Practically, it does whatever the fuck it wants, and I have no idea why.

Randomly, on every system boot, it asks me to create a new keyring. Doesn't access already stored info, doesn't store afterwards entered credentials properly either. Ultimately it doesn't work for me at all.

...or so you would think. Sometimes, for no discernible reason, it works as expected. No keyring creation prompt, no manual typing of my vpn credentials. It has them stored, reads them properly, and connects the vpn automatically and quietly in the background just as I set it up and want to behave.

But anytime I get used to it just working as expected it goes back to a period of constant password typing and dozens upon dozens of (empty) duplicate entries in its credential list.

What the fuck is going on with that damn app, and how do I fix it?

Thanks in advance


Hey guys, I am trying to get rid of my old Facebook accounts. I have not been using them for years, in fact I dont know their login data and for one i dont even have access to the email address any more.

I am a EU citizen and attempted to instruct them to close the accounts per email, since logging in requires me to consent to them using my data or pay money (probably illegal here too).

They sent me a quick response basically to go fuck myself, even after I offered to provide personal identification to verify I am the account owner and reminded them that I am an EU citizen and that my data is subject to those laws.

How can i force these fuckers to comply with my request for deletion of the accounts and associated data?


Hey guys, I am somewhat new to android (went straight to grapheneos) and am a bit annoyed with this widget.

It looks good, but the skip buttons are tiny and my gorilla fingers have trouble hitting them reliably. Is there a way to change to a different layout with bigger buttons or even gesture support?

I am aware that most music apps come with a widget for the home screen but I specifically need the one shown on the lock screen and pulldown menu to change.

Thanks in advance!


I hope this is the proper place to ask, though probably only indirectly on topic for this community.

What I am looking for is a way or tool to extract from a YouTube playlist the information which of my saved videos (usually very niche music from about a decade ago) are no longer available in it (so that I might procure them elsewhere).

With google being google, and the condensed information of "x videos are no longer available" that is displayed, I am fairly sure the information isnt gone gone, just hidden from the user.

Is there a way to get at that info?

Thanks in advance

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

The civics were a tossup between shadow council and police state but I really couldn't justify not using one of the other two, they fit so well.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

I was wondering if you could add alternate icon support for the Android version, so it can be themed properly.

Obviously this is purely cosmetic, but it would be a very nice addition

Update for future readers: the functionality actually already exists, choose one of the themed icons for voyager from the list.


So it just occurred to me that during the TNG production era there is a shift in ship nomenclature:

  • TNG: The Enterprise
  • DS9: The Defiant/Yukon/Danube/etc.
  • VOY: ~~The~~ Voyager
  • (ENT): "Ennurprais" is all that’s left.

Seems towards the later shows they stopped referring to the ship as a, well, ship and just addressed it as a character? Why?


So I am hoping to finally get around to installing Linux for the first time. Ideally I would like to eventually replace my win10 installation with it, but for now I plan on dual booting until I am comfortable enough on Linux. This leads me to a couple questions:

  • which one is best suited for gaming? I do a couple other things as well but I would expect that any OS could deal with those. I know vaguely about proton / the steam deck improvements that trickled down, but don’t know if and how that affects different Linux versions.

  • I read some days ago that ubuntu is being used by Microsoft, does that mean it is more compatible with their other applications?

  • I also read that amd is better suited to linux because nvidia refuses to support it, which would be a happy coincidence for me because I just recently built a fully amd computer, is that actually true?

  • And lastly, provided there is even a definitive answer to my first question, where should I look to get started? I have never dealt with Linux before but would consider myself reasonably tech / computer savvy.

Thank you

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