I'm starting to think Max did actually curse that second seat the moment Danny left.
I have never actually played the campaign once in my life. I always go straight to sandbox and then strap as many solid fuel boosters as I can to a staged rocket and inevitably eviscerate a few kerbals attempting to go faster than light through sheer loss of FPS.
It's fun every time.
I may not have ever successfully landed on the mun, but I am pretty sure I have accelerated a kerbal faster and higher than most people ever will without the assist of mods/cheats.
I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that many many people are driving around on tires that are way below minimum acceptable tread wear here in California. Some of them just don't understand. Some are incompetent. Some are poor.
When I recently got all 4 of my tires replaced I watched the tire techs warn several customers that the tread on their tires was too low and every single one of them said they couldn't afford new tires right now so rotate them and let them leave.
A tire tax would likely just increase the number of people trying to stretch a tire way past it's recommended minimum tread depth for safety in order to save money. This would have a negative effect on road safety in the long run.
Not to mention it would also just incentivise people to put on the hardest and longest lasting rubber they can find meaning that in cold or wet conditions they will have significantly worse performance again leading to more accidents.
The tire tax idea seems like a very bad idea.
Certified Ferrari moment.
I'm not even sure what to say anymore. The only team that's been in the game since day 1 and they still can't do shit right on a regular basis it's actually amazing.