End tax exempt status for all religious organizations. Full stop.
No. It is supportive. You are normalizing removing a gender stereotype. I.e. instead of saying my wife/husband which inherently brings a gender, and then also stated sexuality, you say partner, removing the gender statement. In so doing, you both help defend others to also be able to say it without forcing them to share their sexuality while also normalizing the removal of an over emphasis on gender with something that doesn't fucking matter.
Yes but, have you ever rooted a Xiaomi device. it's VERY hard. not impossible, but very hard. Requires iirc a 28 day waiting period, and you can only do one per year. (I imagine they enforce by phone number) Here's a guide I found with a quick google search, it requires running their super sketchy windows only utility, etc.. etc... https://www.reddit.com/r/PocoPhones/comments/1bsb2ce/how_to_root_your_phone_whatever_your_xiaomi_phone/
And yes, everything you have read is true about how bad it is. Did you know by default every app is set to debuggable? it's something the OS does, and no, you can't turn it off from the apps perspective. The whole system is just not secure, by design.
Gloves are off and you won't / can't talk about what you believe about china in a meaningful way. All the rest is deflection and blame on me. I in fact was and have been open to entertaining more than one viewpoint, you have merely twisted what I've said to make it seem like I'm the one who won't actually have a conversation here.
That's why I asked questions which you refuse to answer.
The conversation here speaks for itself. If you want to blame me for refusing to engage, by all means, do so. But you're the one spouting CCP revisionist history and refusing to answer questions about China.
Lol when actually asked about the stuff china is doing though you have repeatedly just hand waved it as I won't go into that. You say stuff to establish yourself as an expert and yet have done nothing but just called me a brain rot liberal. You in fact have 0 concept of my background or upbringing and have just assumed because I have sat on my mobile phone and haven't taken the time to go point by point explaining what I meant that I am some inferior person with no intellect of ability to think critically about my world view or escape the brainwashing I have been subjected to.
Please, enlighten me on all the truly bad stuff china did in the first years, talk about it. (Implication of your statement being that stuff is now over) Up to this point all you have actually done is speak positively about Tienammen square and hand waved "bad stuff" for china without saying it. Do it. Im worth all this other "time" you spent, but I'm not worth taking the time on actually saying anything bad about china? Still sounds like you aren't who you say you are.
Are you going to tell me the Chinese government doesn't threaten dissenters (and dissenters families) at home and abroad? Are you going to describe their state run media as free speech? It's the government protecting the people from themselves. The censorship and control the government exerts on their society for their own people's good?
When actually asked about china, to this point all you have said is I'm not actually going to go into that. I call bullshit.
And you describe yourself as allowing your long held beliefs to be challenged. Please tell me more. What are your beliefs?
Ah China, the perfect nation. Lol
For one so sage, and we'll versed in the world, I take it you have nothing bad to say about china after all? Their spotless reputation.
They don't appear to be selling bombs for the genocide in Gaza, and they didn't destroy Vietnam, as 2 examples of atrocities carried out by the US. Or the war in Afghanistan. I am happy to talk about how shitty Britain and the US are, because fuck anyone involved in those wars. What about China's role in funding Russia attacking Ukraine? What about the Uyghur people or Tibet?
I guess as a litmess test can you even talk about Tiananmen square?
As a Chinese propagandist can you in fact talk negatively about china? Or will everything you say merely defend it?
In fact, not what I said at all. I said, I agree with your statement that the western media does similar things, but I called out that the ccp doesn't allow dissent in the media. And you did not actually present evidence that they were worse, just that they did bad things. You basically just ignored what I actually wrote and attacked me for pointing out your whataboutism.
It is possible to consider one thing as bad while also thinking another is also bad.
You are likely a CCP bot and I'm conversing with a computer.
"incriminating" to be clear here, criticism of a political person should not cause you to be denied entry. That's fucking insane. On the other hand, yes. Everything has to be encrypted, locked, and def have a dummy OS. I'm going to need to set some up.