I'm replaying BB and this particular voice line from Djura really catches me off-guard every time. Even though Old Yharnam is a relatively early-game area, you're already being acknowledged that your player character isn't just some lowly fighter - the Hunter is someone that deserves respect and fear from a veteran hunter. It's a really stark difference than how NPCs in other FS games regard the player character as a lowly figure in some ambiguous way. In Bloodborne, you get a dude that's just calling you a killer and I'm all for it 😂
So I started the DLC old hunters, and ive went sooo fn far, (1st time playing dlc), and jumped off the ledge here and now I'm stuck. Not sure on what, but I'm fn stuck and more than likely there is a lamp right around the corner. Do I eat the L, or is there a way out of this that I don't know? Thanks. Btw, if you can't tell, I haven't hit any lamps since the beginning. So I'm still in this starting area I guess
I figured the two main runes that Garnham would have would be Guidance for his hunting skill and Moon for… you know… the big ass great one thats confined to the 9th dimension that just so happens to be called The Moon Presence