I know it's off-topic but your instance's name makes me feel uneasy.
Well, this just took an interesting turn.
I wonder if the just call it bacon up there.
I hope he doesn't get the chance to abscond and is held accountable for his crimes. Not likely to happen but one can dream.
Well, if it was a Boeing plane he might nit make it to his destination.
I heard it's all the Democrats fault for not fixing it when they had power.
I think them using the term 'edgy' was just projection. It's best to avoid taking the bait when trolls do their thing.
One can hope, but I’m honestly not holding my breath.
a jury can't be punished for an "incorrect" verdict
I agree with everything you said, but I just wanted to point out that a juror can't legally be punished. I live in an area where both the city police and the county sheriffs are corrupt. They hold vendettas against anyone that pisses them off. One even stalked and assulted an ex using police lookup tools. Got caught, got slap on the wrist and he's back at it, just more carefully now.
My point is that it's supposed to be that jurors can't be punished for their decisions, but in reality they might have to watch their back if the piss off the arresting officer (or anyone with power).
I hate living here. I wish I could afford to move.
On Lemmy? As if. Most likely just another billionaire wannabe.