It's a common misconception that it was even called Ev to begin with. In reality, it used to be named Mt. Eh due to how underwhelming it is.
"Constant average query time" is not that hard to understand. It means that sometimes access time is e.g. linear, and sometimes you get your content before executing the code. With a hash table large enough and full enough, this can be used to fetch content seconds, minutes, days, potentially years before the program even exists. That's one hell of a breakthrough.
[edit] /s, oops
That's how you get Skynet
See Overton Window [Wikipedia]. It's something to keep in mind in the face of extreme discourse (like, say, a Nazi salute on live TV) before dismissing it as irrelevant.
Hovercat in maintenance
Little guy living its 9 lives all at once
Keeping femalehood at bay, now THAT's masculine af
They really paywalled dark mode? That move alone is incredibly dumb. Surefire way to alienate potential new users before they've even tested anything serious.
Got it! Thanks for taking the time to explain it!
That's nice and all, but I have no idea what either "wet" or "opaque" mean in relation to sound =(
Could also be the fumes from the batteries burning and all that.