This seems overpowered, and...yeah it could very well be this is a powerful effect but it becomes far more balanced when you realize enemies HAVE to take the bait and actually kill you or you need to be an effective gun spy and place enemies in a position where they cant just wait 11 seconds for you to automatically die, because if you cant get enemies to kill you or kill automatically fail and die for real gaining NOTHING. But if you can pull it off this effectively gives you short range teleportation, mind games, instant removal of debuffs and most importantly of all 170 life. Its a win big lose big type of watch.
And then you gotta be good at pretending to actually die, lose enemies while invisible quickly and/or misdirect the enemy without relying on the fake corpse and instead take advantage of the short range teleportation which I think probably requires some skill and planning.
You have to really know how to troll, pressure and bait the enemy to take full advantage of this watch.
Have you seen minecraft? Children YEARN for the mines!