
joined 2 years ago
[–] 7 points 3 days ago

The main point is to take advantage of Trump's reckless misunderstanding of how the modern global financial system works to deliberately drive the United States into a recession so that American oligarchs can buy up all the collapsed pieces and force ordinary people into permanent rental of all essential services. My perspective is that RFK is a eugenicist with respect to vaccines in a, "if you die when you get sick you weren't strong enough to be worth keeping alive anyway" sort of way. And of course there are the Curtis Yarvins of the world who want to turn the "mentally unfit" into biodiesel. Combine that with the recent own the libs joke bills about making so-called "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a classifiable mental illness and you can see where the writing on the wall is. The broader goal is to make it so any disagreement with Trump and Republicans is either a deportable offense or a mental illness.

[–] 16 points 2 weeks ago

Just a friendly reminder too that a 2015 report from the ATF found that 71% of the guns the cartels use are bought in the United States and carried south across the border. The United States is just as complicit in the rise of cartel related crime as the cartels themselves!

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I love this so much!!

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago

I hope so too. Unfortunately I think it is highly likely that he is long dead before that becomes a possibility. He will be added to the long list of men who do not have to live through the consequences of their horrific mistakes.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago

!wa for Wolfram Alpha and !aw for the Arch Wiki as well!

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

My wife and I had the realization this past week that we have both been in a near constant state of seething anger since the election. We decided that we both need to pump the brakes on reading news for our collective mental health. That doesn't mean we're ignoring things, but it does mean we plan to remind each other to take a breather when we're caught doomscrolling.

We cannot afford to become complacent or ignore things, but we have found that redirecting our anger to productive activities has been helpful. Every time we read a negative article it is a reminder to reach out to our friends who are parts of communities which are currently under attack to see what we can do to help or offer companionship. We also regularly look for local opportunities to connect with marginalized communities in our area, volunteer, and generally make a show of our support.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago
[–] 19 points 2 months ago (1 children)

There's a lifetime movie called Snowed Inn Christmas where the whole premise is two big city journalists get stuck in Santa Claus, Indiana during the holidays. In the movie the town is a picture perfect Christmas village, but the real Santa Claus is basically fields in the middle of nowhere, plus the Holiday World theme park (which is a legitimate banger if anyone gets the chance to visit). It was filmed in Winnipeg. There are funny details like how their flight gets diverted to the "airport" in Santa Claus even though there isn't an airport that is not a grass strip for like 50 miles at least.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

I work a 9/80 currently (so 9 hours a day every Monday through Thursday and then alternating 8 hours every other Friday with a Friday off) and I have grown to love it so much I think I would have an extremely hard time taking a five day workweek job. I also think I would easily work for 10s if it were an option as a constant three day weekend would be wonderful.

I have done my own research on my productivity levels and found that I pretty much get nothing done on working Fridays anyhow, leading me to believe a 35 ish hour four day workweek would be more than sufficient to get everything I currently do done. That's notwithstanding the fact that during each day I swing back and forth between high and low productivity too, so really something closer to like 25 hours a week of total work is accurate. So something like a certain minimum mandatory set of hours with flexible time to get your tasks done as others have suggested would be the ultimate solution.

[–] 56 points 4 months ago (12 children)

A tie in the Electoral College is an extremely remote chance, less than 1%. Widespread interference in our electoral process as part of a broader scheme to put enough doubt in the vote totals to force the issue to SCOTUS or Congress is literally the plan being executed by Trump and the GOP right now. The best chance we have is overwhelming voter turnout to make those "close" states as decisive as possible.

[–] 8 points 5 months ago (7 children)

Yeah one of the biggest issues is the fact that nobody teaches how to properly "hit" and, equally problematic, how to properly "be hit." Contact sports don't have to be as violent as they are now.

[–] 9 points 5 months ago (3 children)

We should do both! A human being can do more science in a handful of days than all of our robots we've ever sent to Mars have done in the years they have been there.


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