I'm confused, were you expecting a specific answer?
I have no idea what im doing with torrents so it could be totally fucked up, in which case I apologize.
Someone needs to smoke some weed asap, damn.
I need a Kwik Trip version of this
Jellyfish Jam ofc
Well now I'm concerned about the picture of my penis in the wiki article..
My exact thoughts. Penis worm? Time to look up how to actively avoid getting any penis worms.
What an original hot take
Big Jay? More like Big Gray
Agreed on Tom. Used to religiously watch YMH but fell off a few years ago because he legit turned into a boomer. Still haven't watched this episode, on the schedule for tonight
Here's a magnet to night one, Aug 9 2024. Lmk if it just doesnt work for some reason.
Edit: updated magnet, smaller file size.
Ah day of the week in a specific month. Calendars don't lie lol