Even if it wasn't
The obvious difference being my/others mastodon posts aren't showing up on wordpress and being monetized. One way federation to masto doesn't matter bc it isn't data farming / putting ads on masto content.
Those areas apply to visible minorities aka black people and indigenous people etc. in the US, it doesn't go the other way around, there are no sundown towns/areas for white people and there aren't in Britian either.
Yeah I've seen almost no movement against Tumblr while everyone got very riled up about Meta federation ie fedipact, probably a blindspot bc users have positive associations with tumblr, but it's still an ad/data company all the same.
They both definitely wish/wished there were no muslims in their respective countries so they have that one in common.
I've never been without ad block, but I'm not surprised they put a lot of ads bc I doubt they would be making any money enough to hire someone without having like 15 banner ads. Satire is not exactly a monied industry.
There is no such thing as the "North Atlantic" it is a nonsensical organization, there is no logical reason for the US and Canada to be in a millitary alliance based on the made up polity of the "North Atlantic", not saying that European countries shouldn't care about regional defense, but that has nothing to do with the US or Canada. Nato is just an excuse for the US to park it's nukes and bases in Europe and extend it's millitary power, no one needs nukes, and people especially don't need foreign nukes in their country.
edit: also Trump would never pull out of NATO, the farthest he would ever go is threaten and then coerce European countries pay more of a share of the budget and say he made a "better deal", but he's quite obviously bluffing
It only makes sense to hear him talk about NATO (a protection racket) in a mob like way (mobs being famous for protection rackets).
There are about 200 countries not 1700 you peepeepoopoohead
LemmyFactCheck: @quindraco is a very low quality commenter, we at lemmyfactcheck rate them as really fucking annoying for linking mediapoopeefartcheck, avoid at all costs