Ohh they are going up a floor, what could possibly go wrong? It is only some hurricane, nothing special.
Fuck this shit and this disgusting prison system. How obvious can they be about not seeing inmates as humans?
Ohh they are going up a floor, what could possibly go wrong? It is only some hurricane, nothing special.
Fuck this shit and this disgusting prison system. How obvious can they be about not seeing inmates as humans?
I mean it is kind of obvious. AI is already used for filtering large swaths of data. Governments all around the world have shown increased interest in surveilance, from autocracies to democracies. Private companies also want all the data they can.
The question is, can we do anything about it?
"military offensive" - yikes. Shattering blow against civilians maybe. IDF seemed well and running just a day after. How is this a news piece? It is outright propaganda.
I agree but i also got to say that it depends on the goal. A sign like this is polarizing and will garner more attention to the topic, get people discussing etc..
Sometimes i still by accident (while bored) open a tab of reddit in my brwoser. Realizing with disgust where i went, i close that shit just as fast as i opened it. It is not getting better over there and the percentage of absolute morons grows steadily. It will soon be what facebook is today.
I like the trees but imo the buildings are ugly, a waste of space and a waste of resources. A testament to engineering for sure but one i could do without.
Good advice for the internet but please share you problems with your friends.
Pic shows him being an incestous creep, not being a pedo. Tired of everyone being pedo now.
Maybe he is, but first he is a: Liar Criminal Rapist and a Fascist
If thats not enough, people won't come voting for blames of pedophilia. It just gets tiring.
Smort. Clearly ahead on the dunning kruger graph.
I think we would have an easier time if we would start to have different words for people being attracted to children and for people raping children. That way we could say MJ was attracted to children in a concerning way but it is apparent that he did not abuse children sexually.
If only there was way
If we start guessing and blaming we can assume everyone to be a child molestor.
Oh wait, you guys are already doing that...
Disgusting but i guess a third world country does not have the resources to evecuate everyone.