Discography review No.3
First off, welcome to my third discography review. Hoping to make this a more regular thing. Hopefully it encourages more discussion and active participation, or at least prove to be an interesting read ;D. I'm going to state the obvious and say that this is just my opinion. I can be a little harsh or critical, but this doesn't necessary mean I dislike the bands; they all have their strengths and weaknesses. This keeps things more honest and interesting. If you disagree with any of my points please feel free to present any counter-arguments in the comments and fight the urge to just downvote and move on :D. With all that babble out the way, here goes!
Journey to the Band:
As mentioned in my previous posts and reviews, I have been making my way through all the bands in the US and Teutonic big 4s before I venture back into the unknown. For any backstory, please see my previous review. Anyway, this is the last band I needed to listen to.
The Discography:
Starting with Destruction's first major release, the Sentence of Death EP, I have to say I enjoyed it quite a bit, despite the poor production and guitar tone. Now I have never been a fan of their vocals either. They aren't bad per se, I just find them a little bland and nasally, though I can admire the demented screams that appear every now and then (see Satan's Vengeance). However, that is more down to personal preference than anything. The part of Destruction which shines through the most would have to be the riffs. To me they stand out. Something about them seems so unique.
Contrary to majority opinion, I actually prefer their first EP to their first full length: Infernal Overkill. The band seems to have inherited a more "scratchy" guitar tone which does not satisfy my ears very well. Here I find the material a tad more forgettable than on the EP, the term "forgettable" unfortunately appearing frequently later on. The riffs are still strong, however the package as a whole fails to pique my interest as much as the prior release.
Moving on to what I think may be my favourite Destruction album: Eternal Devastation. Everything on here is a major improvement to Infernal Overkill, minus the dreaded guitar tone which as grown even more scratchy, a step backwards in my eyes. Everything on here is entirely more memorable and some of the songs on here are really enjoyable.
Released from Agony has some more super riffs, and a much improved guitar tone. The riffs here are a bit groovier and catchy.
Cracked Brain has a different vocalist, and he holds up to a similar level of quality as Schmier. The guitars carry forward the technicality found in the previous album, even bringing it up a notch. The production on the vocals is a step down in my opinion, they seem to have a weird reverb effect applied to them.
The next two EPs and an LP all were disowned by the band, and labelled as the "Neo-Destruction" era. This was for VERY good reason. Some of the worst thrash(?) material I've ever heard. Think Lulu, or Risk but worse. Takes courage and a strong will to sit through it all.
Next up is a return to the original formula (thankfully) All Hell Breaks Loose. Not much to say about this one to be honest. Pretty average in terms of their discography.
The Antichrist is a brilliant album. So brilliant, in fact, that Destruction is forever trying to re-create it ever since, to no avail. Clean, satisfying production, great songwriting, and most of all, memorable. Still holds up as their most popular album to date.
Metal Discharge is a big step down from The Antichrist, in pretty much every way.
Everything after this, up until their two latest releases, do not need to be described individually. It is mostly cookie-cutter thrash and most albums sound the same. Nothing particularly stands out, it all tries and fails to imitate The Antichrist. Perhaps the odd song or two on each album is worth a listen. Nothing on these albums is of a low quality, however. Coming from any other band they would be considered a fairly standard release. But Destruction has simply released too much of the same at this point, and it was never my cup of tea to begin with. I'll admit it took me a while to get through this discography. After The Antichrist I lost my desire to carry on listening; I was fueled mainly by my completionist mindset.
That is, until I heard Diabolical. It definitely caught me off guard, and while it is no early-Destruction, there was a notable spike in quality. I still can't quite put my finger on it, but it just seemed almost more passionate than anything in recent years.
The same applies to their latest release from earlier this month. Another interesting, exciting release. I am hoping this upward trend continues in the future.
Overall, Destruction's early material inspired many bands, some of which still holds a legendary status today. From a personal view, much like Megadeth, Destruction just doesn't do it for me. That said, there is still plenty of material I continue to enjoy. Destruction is plagued by a similar fate as Tankard, most of their later songs entirely interchangeable. The differences being Tankard is mostly in line with my tastes, and Tankard takes a more light-hearted approach and while their formula is over-used, it is not one that tends to get old too quickly. Destruction's guitar work is unique, with mostly strong riffs on their earlier work, one of the main highlights of the band.
- Sentence of Death (EP)
- Infernal Overkill
- Eternal Devastation
- Release from Agony
- Cracked Brain
- The Antichrist
- Anything from the "Neo-Destruction" era
- Anything after The Antichrist and before Diabolical.
- Mad Butcher (Sentence of Death)
- Satan's Vengence (Sentence of Death)
- Total Desaster (Sentence of Death)
- Death Trap (Infernal Overkill)
- Tormentor (Infernal Overkill)
- Bestial Invasion (Infernal Overkill)
- Curse the Gods (Eternal Devastation)
- Life Without Sense (Eternal Devastation)
- United by Hatred (Eternal Devastation)
- Dissatisfied Existence (Release from Agony)
- Cracked Brain (Cracked Brain)
- S.E.D. (Cracked Brain)
- Thrash Till Death (The Antichrist)
- Dictators of Cruelty (The Antichrist)
- Spiritual Genocide (Spiritual Genocide)
- Carnivore (Spiritual Genocide)
- Tormented Soul (Diabolical)
- Diabolical (Diabolical)
- Destruction (Birth of Malice)
- Fast as a Shark (Birth of Malice)
Thanks for reading! ๐ค
EDIT: Improved formatting.