The fact that it's the consumer's responsibility to sort their waste and to try and minimise its impact on the environment in the first place is completely wrong to me.
Most people in urban areas rely on stores for basic survival, and the vast majority of products we buy there come with unnecessary waste. It doesn't make any sense to then tell these people "by the way, you'd better clean up that mess when you're done because it's bad for the environment". If governments were truly concerned or willing to act, this waste wouldn't make it into our homes in the first place.
If a company wants to sell a product, they should be held accountable for the waste that comes along with it. They should have to prove that they can reuse the waste and be incentivised to reduce it. If they can't, they can't operate.
Ecocide laws need to become commonplace, and the consumer should not be responsible for their waste if they haven't got legitimate alternative options. I understand this community is more willing to do their part in this regard, but I don't think it'll ever be feasible to expect this from the wider population. We need to stem the flow, not just handle the mess.
I'm all for packaging minimization but I also acknowledge that if I, the consumer seek single serving products, I'm pretty glad they are food safe and isolated. This is the part where "reduce" in the recycling slogan can manifest: what's the absolute minimum packaging needed to keep a consumer safe?
I'm not saying companies shouldn't ever be responsible for their packaging waste, it's a good idea. But I think municipal trash is meant to be that answer, in that rather than every company managing their own streams of returns, the locality does it, and sorts them by general type for efficiency/efficacy.
Therefore I think it best to factor waste costs from the company into that centralized system, so efficiencies of scale can manifest. This allows for better oversight and lower overall costs. The game is not allowing companies to be absent from this stage.
With acknowledgment that increased costs would land on the consumer one way or another, I'd conclude by saying centralized waste management needs to be better funded, and more sophisticated recycle/reuse systems implemented with those new funds.
Safe food packaging existed before non-biodegradable plastics.
Who brought up plastics?
I think you misunderstood my point. Wasteful non-biodegradable, non-recyclable packaging is a relatively recent thing. Before plastics came along, food was packaged safely in variants of paper, glass, steel, and aluminum. There’s no reason we couldn’t go back to the pre-plastics way of doing things other than convenience and maximizing profit.
Also biodegradable plastics exist, but they aren’t used as much because they cost slightly more than the non-biodegradable ones and companies don’t want to lose those pennies with every sale. If there was a tax on non-biodegradable plastic for any use outside the medical field, it would probably fix this.