The brain controls body weight and obesity by regulating intestinal fat absorption
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Dude, go talk to a bariatric specialist. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
You ever even look into the advances in bariatric medicine the last decade? Ever help treat a bariatric patient? 99% behaviorial is utter bullshit, and does not match currer best information.
Genetics didn't likely change, but epigenetics is how our systems respond to conditions in and around us. And that absolutely can and has changed in the last fifty years, and was changing before that.
How our food is process impacts the entire endocrine system, our microbiota in not only the gut, but the entire body. We've got massive increases in environmental contamination over the same kind of timeline, which can not only directly effect systemic function, it can change epigenetics in the womb, and the actual genes themselves.
99% behaviorial my hairy ass.
Even that part is influenced by how food is processed, since there's enough shit in anything you grow, even when you're growing it yourself to play a factor. Actual processed foods are literally designed to trigger our brains and kick off addictions to the added fats and sugars.
That kind of bullshit is the same kind of brainless thing that leads to people thinking vaccines cause autism. There's a metric buttload of data pointing to both weight gain and difficulty in weight loss being heavily influenced by external factors, but you're in here like "nuh-uh, my data set of two fat kids in school says no"
Former fatty. It was 100% behavioral. CICO. Physics. Some people need help, no denying that. But rigorously limiting and counting my intake, and estimating my output from added activity with fitness trackers, while also altering my diet to include more volume, less caloric density to stop feeling so hungry, 100% worked. And I learned to be hungry and that the world wasn't going to end if I was hungry for a little while until it was meal time. I had plenty of caloric surplus and my body was being a little bitch.
Anyhow, anecdata of one that supports the control what goes in your facehole camp.
Former porkchop here as well. It's all behavioral.
Yes there are external factors that can influence behavior, but at the end of the day it can't be reduced further than that.
I am exhausted by the collective delusion and endless disavowing of any form of personal responsibility for one's own dietary intake. Focus on the external factors, always, never look at choices because then it becomes a "they" problem not a "me" problem.
I'm sorry you guys are getting so much pushback here, lol. I was hoping Lemmy would have less... "Reddit" problems, but the number of dislikes and comments here tells me there's still a LOT of pedantic, self-deluded, minimally educated, credential-worshiping fatties in denial within our community. It's too bad so many give in to their emotions without practicing REAL rationality these days, it sounds like both Lemmy AND these people could really benefit from that ability.
Describe "real" rationality ?
I genuinely can't infer what you mean from that statement.
🤓 nobody was talking to you, chief
You probably want to keep to DM's if you don't want conversation on a public message board.
Though I suppose a demonstrated lack of understanding of how public message boards work gives me my answer so, thanks.
What I find the most depressing is the fatties have invaded the scientific discussion. Want to literally scream out-loud at nothingness out of sheer frustration??? Listen to that "Maintenance Phase" podcast... it is literal mental illness and her own personal Cognitive Dissonance playing out in front of the listeners in realtime, portrayed as informational.