Because cdpr is a joke. Like did you see cyberpunks release? All they care is about money they showed that with their rushed job. I haven't claimed any free games on GOG because you have to sign up for their newsletter in order to claim the game. I still get spammed with emails from GOG even after unsubscribing after I receive every single email. At this point of just marked em' as spam.
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
"rushed job"
8 years of development
I don't know how CP77 turned out how it did, but it certainly wasn't due to being rushed. Either way, they managed to fix it although it took like 2 years or something.
As for you still getting GOG emails... Git gud?? Unsubscribing from a service's emails is the easiest thing in the world if you take roughly 2 seconds to make sure it's done properly.
Look at what happened when Epic brought a store to Windows
Those barriers still exist on Linux
GoG makes even less sense to have a launcher because you can just download off their website
Maybe the author of the article/blog doesn’t know about Heroic?
They mention lutris, but note that it isn’t a functional equivalent to Galaxy. But as far as I’m aware, Heroic is (correct me if I’m wrong, I haven’t seen Galaxy in action).
I found Heroic today. Same games that won't run on Lutris won't run on Heroic either. The biggest disappointment was that it crashed a few times and I gave up entirely when it froze up. I'm not saying Lutris is flawless, it certainly isn't, but my experience overall has at least been acceptable.
That's my experience too. Heroic looks nicer, but functionalitywise Lutris is far ahead, having support for EA's and Ubisofts launcher as well. It's also a lot more stable than Heroic.
Use Heroic Games Launcher. It works very well.
Honestly what's the point in having it? Heroic is already a better option. GOG Galaxy is a simple launcher, if they port it to Linux then it would also need to be a Wine/Proton prefix manager. Its not a massive amount of work, especially since umu-launcher exists now, but its just pointless effort IMO. Unless they're willing to invest the same amount of work into it that has gone into Heroic and Lutris, it'll just end up being the inferior option.
You can use heroic I guess...