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A community for discussing Kodi streaming and piracy addons here on Lemmy. We are not affiliated with the subreddit of the same name.

If you are a mod there and wish to join or help out here please send a message to me from your Reddit account to u/Toothless_NEO.


Rule 1: Be civil.Your behavior in this community must be civilized. Insults, name-calling, harassment, or trolling won't be tolerated here. People with a history of this behavior may be permanently banned on their first offense here.

Moderator harassment is a KOS offense.

Rule 2: Bigotry will not be tolerated.Any and all forms of bigotry including but not limited to homophobia, transphobia, racism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism, or religous intolerance will not be tolerated in this community, or on this instance. Any instances of it will result in a pemanent ban and Server admins being alerted to the incident.

Rule 3: Posts must be on topic.Posts in the community must be about or in some way related to addons for Kodi, whether they are official or unofficial.

Rule 4: No low-effort posts or responses.Users must put some effort into their posts like having a clear and descriptive post title, and including a brief summary about what the link in the post is about. As well as giving detailed information about whatever issue you are having in troubleshooting posts.

Responses must also have a minimum effort criteria. The classic "No." answer isn't enough, you are expected to write at least one sentence (i.e. "It isn't possible because...". Failure to comply will result in offending comments being removed, and users reminded to put more effort into their response.

Rule 5: Include all troubleshooting information in troubleshooting posts.In posts related to troubleshooting issues related to addons or Kodi please try to include all troubleshooting information in your post so people may better help you.

  • Operating System: Android/Windows/OSX, etc...
  • Device: Nvidia Shield/FireTV, etc...
  • Add-on affected: Exodus/Venom/Seren, etc...
  • Version of Kodi: 17.6/18.2, etc...
  • Version of add-on: 1.1.10/1.1.11, etc...
  • Country: USA/Australia/UK, etc...
  • Any support services: Real-Debrid/Premiumize/Trakt, etc...
  • Link to a debug/error log.

Rule 6: No referral linksDo not post referral links in this community. All links must be free of referral codes. If you are unsure if the link has tracking or referral codes please use this tool to cleanup links before posting. (Lemmy may get an update removing tracking info from Links making this rule invalid in the future).

For other communties of interest feel free to check out these other related communities.

founded 4 months ago
there doesn't seem to be anything here