Automation and Factory Builder Games

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A place to talk and share content about automation and factory builder games.

icon attributionFactory icons created by vectorsmarket15 - Flaticon

founded 2 years ago

Excluding Factorio because it has so much dominance in this genre. It’s great but I’d also like to hear about other automation games!


Hello, long time no see! Today we are going to talk about the expansion which is called Factorio: Space Age. Mp4 playback not supported on your device. (Click here for static image version) What is Factorio: Space Age?kovarex Factorio: Space Age continues the player's journey after launching rockets into space. Discover new worlds with unique challenges, exploit their novel resources for advanced technological gains, and manage your fleet of interplanetary space platforms. Vanilla Factorio ends by launching the rocket into space, so I always expected it to be quite obvious what we are going to do next. Honestly the space platform related gameplay was actually planned a very long time ago, and we had shown a little bit in FFF-74. ...


I just unlocked the thruster suit. Is it meant only for space or is it better than the power armor in general?

The only things I saw are that it has worse acid and explosion resistance, but it has 8x8 instead of 7x7 grid.

So I would probably want to wear this all the time for the bigger grid. Is that stupid, am I missing something?


So... anyone here plays it?


I recorded 4 episodes of Krastorio so far!


Hey I am starting a new game of factorio. This time with the krastorio mod and the krastorio team recommended companion mods.


Tried the demo a few months back and it was super promising. The devs seem like wonderful people too. They're a small team and I'd love to see them get some support and for Techtonica to be a success!


I mostly go for 1-4 trains with a two way rail network, because it has high throughput.

Right now I am playing a rail world with 1-8 trains and single rail, for the challenge.


Ich bin endlich mal wieder dazu gekommen Satisfactory zu zocken und es war großartig. Circa 10h hat meine Motivation gehalten, nur irgendwie hab ich nicht so sonderlich viel geschafft. Ziel war eine Alu Fabrik zu bauen. Hat erstmal 2h gedauert bis ich die freigeschaltet hatte. Parallel hab ich dann noch meine Stahl Produktion optimiert, schließlich wollte ich Bahnstrecken bauen um die Rohstoffe hin und her zu transportieren. Am Ende habe ich auch nicht viel mehr geschafft als das. Ich habe verdammt viel erkundet und sehr viel Zeit damit verbracht Bauxit, Quartz und Kohle an besagte Bahnstrecke anzuschließen.
Aber selbst wenn es am Ende nicht viel geworden ist, so hatte ich doch hammer viel Spaß daran meine Zeit zu verschwenden, und wofür sind Videospiele da, wenn nicht dafür.

(Btw die scheiß Alpha Spitter sind das gruseligste was mir seit langem in einem Spiel begegnet sind)


Having lots of fun with the new shapez


Bei mir ists inzwischen ne Weile her, liegt aber daran, dass ich allgemein momentan nicht viel zocke


Ive been wanting to try out a fresh start with Satisfactory multiplayer. Sadly my schedule is a bit limited and not many of my friends are into that sorta game. If I get a small vps running the server would anyone be interested? im looking for a small group, maybe 3-4 players max


I have some downtime between jobs and I was wondering which of these two games you would all recommend if I only had time for one?


In factorio, how do I make a safe railway crossing? Such that the trains will stop if a player is crossing the tracks.


I build a MAM and the game plays itself now. What mods for shapez do you like?

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