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A community for users of the awesome, open source, free, animation, modeling, procedural generating, sculpting, texturing, compositing, and rendering software; Blender.


  1. Be nice
  2. Constructive Criticism only
  3. If a render is photo realistic, please provide a wireframe or clay render

founded 2 years ago

I've been working, lately, on a character model of Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles. After some feedback from the community, I believe the likeness has gotten pretty close. Next step will be adding his jacket, real texturing, and rigging.


Let me know your thoughts, I'm always keen for feedback ๐Ÿ™


I'm not very good at blender yet, but I like seeing other ppls submissions and trying my hand at them. Think monthly/weekly contests are a good way to get more engagment here. I would not like to be in charge of holding them and just want to drum up interest lol.


I'm considering getting into it with some add-ons, even though Blender will be adding in the upcoming release potentially. What are your thoughts? Have you played around with it yet? Seems very interesting for concepting

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This book SUCKED. And not due to its informational value!!!

It was because the pages tended to pop off. It's a shitty binding, see?

The publisher, Not a Number (aka Blender's custodian corp) issued a recall, and offered to do spiral binding on these things. I was a university entrant. Book swappage could have been expensive. Didn't do it.

So I have a book that creaks. Half of it dedicated to turbo rad late 1990s art.

("Blender v1.5 Manual", by Ton Roosendaal, published by Not a Number in 1998, ISBN 90-76519-01-3)


Client and Shepard code was already open source.


A couple months ago, I posted this sculpt of Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester, and today I have an update. I hope the anatomy is a lot better, even if the likness isn't perfect. All the textures, eyeballs included, are procedural.


Not sure if this is a popular technique? It takes like 5 seconds to have some basic cartoony eyes that follow the camera.


I been working through the 'donut tutorial' and grabbed the cheat sheet pdf in the description. I like to memorize stuff so I used python to make anki cards out of the cheat sheet items. Haven't proofread every card, just posting in case its useful to someone.


Hello yall ! I am asking for your opinion on node editing, more precisely on creating straight paths with reroute nodes.

I find the built-in way of creating straight paths with reroute quite weird. If I'm not mistaken, it is :

  • Click-drag to create the connection
  • Shift + Right-click-drag to create a reroute.
  • G and drag to place the reroute (repeat until path is made of 90ยฐ angles)

Now when it's time to clean up messy noodles, it makes sense : you don't need the first step and you can join multiple noodles with the Shift + Right-click-drag to go quicker. But when I create straight path from the start, I find it weird to first make the full path and then divide it.

I would have liked a feature to 'extrude' from reroute nodes so I can build the straight path step by step instead, so I made a small script to add this as a shortcut : when i press 'E', it adds a reroute connected to the last reroute/node selected. I'll try to add a gif to show what I mean, and I'll leave the code if anyone wants to try.

My question is : am I alone on this or does it make sense ? Did you too find the way reroute works a bit weird or did it always made perfect sense to you ? Or do you avoid straight paths entirely ? (Or is there some other way to work with reroutes that i'm not aware of ?)

Anyway, here is the code if needed (to use it, save it in a .py file, and in the Preferences/Addons tab, choose Install from disk and select your file) :

bl_info = {
    "name" : "Extrude Noodles",
    "blender" : (3, 60, 0),
    "category" : "Node",

import bpy

class NodeConnectedReroute(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "node.add_connected_reroute"
    bl_label = "Add connected reroute (Extrude) V4"
    bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
    def execute(self, context) :        
        # Get node tree
        nt = context.material.node_tree        
        # Get active node
        node = bpy.context.active_node
        # OPTION A - Create a not connected reroute
        # in case there is no active node or it's not selected or it has no outputs   
        if not node or not or not node.outputs.keys() :
            bpy.ops.node.add_node(use_transform=True, type="NodeReroute")
            return bpy.ops.transform.translate('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
        # OPTION B - Create a reroute and link it to the active and selected node
        # Add a reroute and connect it to current node first output
        bpy.ops.node.add_node(use_transform=True, type="NodeReroute")
        reroute = bpy.context.active_node[0], node.outputs[0])
        return bpy.ops.transform.translate('INVOKE_DEFAULT') # Returns that calls for movement.

def menu_func(self, context) :

# Store keymaps outside any function to access it any time
addon_keymaps = []

 # When addon is enabled
def register() :
    # Register the operator
    # Register its menu function in the correct menu
    # Create addon map
    wm = bpy.context.window_manager
    # Check if keyconfigs are available
    kc = wm.keyconfigs.addon
    if kc :
        # Create a keymap in Node Editor context
        km ="Node Editor", space_type='NODE_EDITOR')
        # Add a keymap item for simple extrude
        kmi =, 'E', 'PRESS')
        addon_keymaps.append((km, kmi))

# When addon is disabled
def unregister() : 
    # Do register in reverse order
    for km, kmi in addon_keymaps:

Hi everyone,

I'm a complete beginner with Blender and I'm about to start a project where I want to model a cyberpunk-style mask. I have a 3D face scan of my own face, and Iโ€™d like to design the mask so that it fits properly later on.

I haven't started the tutorials yet, but I found Computer Explained 3D Modeling in Blender and the first Donat video quite interesting, especially for navigating within Blender. Before diving into modeling the mask, Iโ€™m looking for additional tutorials or tips that could help me with this specific project.

If anyone has suggestions for helpful resources or techniques, Iโ€™d really appreciate it!

Thanks in advance!


I'm trying to do something similar to this old tutorial (, but the Prelude to modelling bit does something called dupliverts, which appears to be no longer part of Blender 4.3.

I tried an array (and applied it) but that gives me the blades as one object. How do I do this with the blades being separate objects?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi, guys! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ When I try to switch to Material preview in Blender my program crashes!

Who knows what can I do with it? ๐Ÿค”

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all, I wanted to show some snippets of a project I'm working on. Something I'm calling GuitarNodes, a Geometry Nodes setup for making a procedurally customizable guitar that's easy to animate in Blender.

Here's a brief showcase of the features I've put into it:

Modular Parts

With Menu Switch nodes, it's easy to have swappable parts for the guitar. I've only (crudely) modeled one set at the time, but it's easy to see how a user could keep individual parts in separate collections to switch through. I also plan to make a second (crude) set to alternate between

Menu switch nodes make it easy to swap parts

  • Simply choose what body mesh you want
  • Can be translated and rotated with gizmos
  • Choose desired headstock
  • Origin for object is at the nut so that it attaches directly to fretboard
Tuning Pegs
  • Note that there is a difference between L and R pegs
  • Follows an adjustable guide mesh to stick to headstock
    • Guide mesh can have individual rows of points(pegs) spaced apart more/less in X direction with gizmos
      • Can switch between a guide mesh and curve, where the curve is for in-line pegs
        • I don't have the line nodes done yet but it'll behave similarly
      • String ends can be adjusted in normal Z direction to match custom peg height

Headstock with adjustable guide mesh and tuning peg L and R collections

Output Jack
  • Can be rotated, follows a guide empty and faces the normal of the guitar body
  • Could also be modular if that's a detail you want to have

Output jack follows guide empty while sticking to body

Tone Knobs
  • Follows a guide curve that resamples to fit number of knobs
    • You can edit this curve shape in order to arrange the knobs to your liking
  • Will also be modular, such that you can change all of the knobs

Tone knobs follow editable guide curve with adjustable knob count

  • Also modular
  • Bridge can be moved in Y direction across the body with gizmo
  • String ends can be adjusted in Z direction to match custom bridge height with gizmo

Bridge adjusted with gizmo and strings follow automatically

  • Automatically connects strings to bridge
  • Also modular
  • Can be rotated with gizmo

Saddle can be rotated and automatically fits guitar scale length

Neck and Fretboard
  • Uses profile curves at nut, 12th fret, and end of fretboard
  • Adjustable fret count
    • Frets are spaced formulaically
  • Minimal UI
    • Shows measurement of string scale and the fretboard
  • Adjustable count
  • Adjustable gauges
  • Tuning-based frequency oscillation in X direction (menu switch)
  • Flip string order for left/right handed
  • Adjustable oscillation intensity for varied strumming
  • Adjustable fretted note values per string
    • As the fretted note gets higher, the center of string oscillation moves accordingly
    • As the fretted note gets higher, the oscillation frequency increases accordingly

Fretboard with oscillating strings that use integers to adjust fretted notes

Next plans (v0.8ish - 1.0):

  • Adding Z-dimension to oscillation for more realism
  • Add per-fret string translation that slightly increases string frequency for bending
  • Custom guitar body, drawn with grease pencil (shoutout to Joey C for the inspiration!)

Use grease pencil to create a custom guitar body

  • I need help getting the points which the Tone Knobs instance at: they currently do not rotate to point the Z in the normal direction of the body. Instead, they all seem to match the first point's Z direction only. I want each point to recognize the normal of the nearest faces it's stuck to
  • Adding a moveable pickguard whose Z-axis points in the body's normal direction
    • Probably going to use a guide empty
    • Might also implement custom designs with grease pencil
    • Adjustable Z-direction with gizmo
  • Player UI
    • Shows chord chart for finger placements based on the current lowest fretted note
      • Outlier high fretted notes will be shown next to the chart

Further out plans

  • Simulation nodes for strings, so that you can have oscillation decay over time
  • Simulation nodes that interact with a plectrum object, so they can be literally strummed (probably gonna need a bit of help, too!)
  • Better procedural materials
    • Is it possible to use a For Each Element zone to change string material based on its position/diameter (i.e. thicker strings are wound)
    • How much of this requires knowledge of handling UVs through geo nodes?
  • Simulation nodes for painting custom materials on guitar (or just a good setup for other users to vertex paint it)
  • Possible driver UI that changes a lot of these values, so that you don't have to go into the nodes to change things
  • Want to implement a tablature-style tracker
    • Automatically keys the string fret values to match the song's rhythm, accounting for framerate
  • Implement a whammy bar that affects strings
  • Any other feedback that I like enough to implement myself
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This comment caught my eyes,I think it would be neat. Someone can make the model for Budde Bishop?

Maybe a remix of this one :


Just a little project to reacquaint myself with sculpting after some time away from Blender. I'm pretty proud with how this one turned out.


To be honest, I'm incredibly pleased with the result. I spent half a day with the overall structure, and in general learning how to blender, and another half with actual sculpting. I made many mistakes and had to go back. I even messed-up in the end. This is too heavy I believe, and the topology is terrible because I wasn't constantly re-meshing (I wasn't paying much attention to the tutorial)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My wife uses Blender but bakes textures in Substance Painter. However, we no longer want to use Adobe products.

Can anyone recommend an alternative?

She tried baking directly in Blender but found the process quite challenging. Are there any addons you'd recommend for it?

She also gave ArmorPaint a try but didn't like it either.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ignore everything after this. I was stupid and did not notice my brush strength was zero.

I've been working on a rig for a model, and I've gotten to the weight painting stage. Given that I'm relatively new to rigging, I've had to restart the process a few times. My most recent weight painting endevour is the farthest I've gotten, but the tools suddenly stopped working.

What can cause a properly parented and posable model and rig to no longer accept weight changes?

I've tried selecting all the vertices. The vertex groups are unlocked. Accumulation has been turned on and off several times. Subdivision is off.

[Update 1]

So blur, average and smear work, but the main paint brush simply refuses.

The new link should be a .mkv file in Google Drive

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