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Reddit’s new home for ExMormon. Welcome heathens!

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  5. Have fun!

Here’s a graphic for how the Fediverse works. (Source https://lemmy.world/post/88856 )

founded 2 years ago

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/26515919


Nearly 100 childhood sexual abuse allegations have emerged against the Mormon church (LDS) in California under a three-year legal window for adult survivors.

Multiple plaintiffs claim church leaders sexually abused them and that officials protected abusers rather than victims, handling cases as "matters of sin" without reporting to police.

Lawsuits allege an LDS "help line" suppressed abuse reports rather than aiding victims.

The church denies allegations, citing "discrepancies" in claims while asserting it takes abuse seriously and has prevention protocols in place.


Brother Brigham. Blood Atonement for fun and profit!

Family Reunion. "You got the Mormons and the drinkers and the Mormons who drink..."


Sorry that I'm flooding this community with memes lol


This conversation I had with my mom a few weeks ago is a real gem:

"Did you hear the news?"

"About the exploding cybertruck?"

"No, they found out that alcohol causes cancer! Good thing we already know that thanks to the word of wisdom. They'll catch up eventually."

"Uh... yeah."

I was itching to mention the temperance movement and whatnot, but my parents are a lost cause when it comes to anything church-related. 🤦


So my sister moved to a new city, wanted to make friends, and started a hiking club. It got kinda big and a local reporter wrote a newspaper article on it. In the article they talked about community and such. They went a bit into how my sister was raised Mormon but left the church and how now she's into a bunch of other weird spiritual things like witchcraft, astrology, reiki, card readings, etc. It was a pretty fun article - but apparently my mom latched onto just the church part.

A couple months later and my family is gathered at my mom's for Christmas. And of course my mom brings the article up and says, "you just spent the whole interview dissing the church." It was a bit funny cause 80% of the article was about hiking. But my mom wasn't to be reasoned with. There was some back and forth, and I threw in that if my sister had a bad time with the church, she was well within her rights to talk about those experiences.

My mom reached her limit with that and kind of exploded, saying no one has the right to talk bad about any religion because it might affect others' faith. Crazy idea, but my siblings and I kind of just rolled our eyes and dropped it - there is no way a productive conversation will happen after she starts yelling. But we did tease her quite a bit over the next few hours by using the word "dis" a lot - "Hey, don't dis cranberry sauce." "All you do is dis astrology." - I could tell she was a bit embarrassed that she was the only one who ended up yelling (which honestly is progress with only that).

Anyway, Christmas day we get a video call from my youngest brother, who is serving a mission in Italy. It was nice, he said they were super busy and baptizing a lot of people which surprised me. I guess there are a bunch of refugees and asylum seekers there - which made more sense. I think he was a bit embarrassed to admit that they weren't having any luck with the actual Italians and that he was kinda only there to proselytize the immigrants. Anyway, after that he told some insane stories about people fleeing their homes for different reasons.

One story was about a Muslim (one of the more violent sects, I don't know which) who started investigating Christianity and was kicked out of his home and moved in with his brother. Then I guess his brother and him were jumped by angry Muslims specifically because they betrayed their faith. They were given the option to go back to the Muslim faith or be killed. The brother was killed, and the refugee was stabbed in the stomach but lived. Hence him fleeing to Italy (I don't wanna be insensitive to this horrific story, but in the moment, I definitely was and this is how it went down - sorry about that).

We were all pretty shocked by the stories, but me being a smart-mouth, said, "you should probably tell that investigator not to talk so badly about his old faith, because it might affect other Muslims' faith." I saw rage in my mom's eyes and I got a bit worried - but then I think I saw something click in my her head and she explained to my younger brother that I was just teasing her over something she said earlier.

I don't know that my mom actually now believes that criticism of a religion is okay, or if it's only okay for non-Mormon religions; but either way I see it as a step in the right direction. Obviously some religions, especially violent ones, deserve criticism, and it was a crazy coincidence to get to point that out to my mom with an insanely extreme example.

But yeah, I think the LDS church deserves plenty of criticism and that it's not our job to be sensitive to the current members when we talk about it.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/22151827

Even Del Parson white Jesus is like, "WTF fellas?!"


In light of the conversations sparked by recent trans-exclusionary policy updates, we thought it would be prudent to have a wiki page to collect resources that offer support for LGBTQIA+ individuals. It can be found at https://exmormon.miraheze.org/wiki/LGBTQIA+

We started the page with a few resources, but we would love some help aggregating more resources. If you know of a high-quality LGBTQ-friendly resource, please consider updating the page or commenting/messaging it here.

And of course, the primary intention of the page is to help potentially vulnerable and marginalized people feel hope and support. Especially if you have been negatively affected by the church, you're not alone. You deserve love and support.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18947261

The new policies include a measure to annotate trans members’ records, grouping them with members who have committed sexual violence or child abuse.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, known widely as the Mormon church, issued a slew of new policies this week expanding its restrictions on transgender members.

The policies, released Monday, include rules barring trans people from working with children, becoming priests and serving as teachers. The church also expanded on an existing rule that barred trans people from being baptized.

Trans members will also face possible annotation on their membership records, grouping them with churchgoers who have committed incest, sexual predatory behavior, sexual violence against children and embezzlement of church funds.

Lest anyone think the Church is "coming around..."


A friend and I have finally created a public exmormon wiki that's free for anyone to read and edit!

When I was deconstructing, I really wished there was a hub for all of the resources I needed. There is a ton of valuable content scattered around the internet, but it would have been great to have a one-stop-shop. So we made the resource I wish I had.

The (brand new) wiki at https://exmormon.miraheze.org/ is meant to accomplish this purpose. This wiki is designed to aggregate (as a community) our favorite community resources, historical and current events, essays about mormonism, and anything else that would be of value to someone experiencing a faith crisis or deconstruction.

This wiki is published in such a way that it can be available to anyone, free, forever. A nonprofit called Miraheze is generously willing to host our open-source MediaWiki site, and a plan for future-proofing the wiki is in the works (see a draft of our ideas and policies here).

As with any project like this, the greatest support needed right now is content generation and compilation. If you'd like to contribute, here are some ideas for (relatively painless) ways to do so:

  • If you are posting or commenting with a very in-depth comment (with sources and meaningful insight) in this community, consider adding your remarks to the wiki as a new page (or an addition to an existing page) so that it has a longer lifespan. The creative-commons license of the wiki means there's no copyright licensing issue.

  • If you've conducted research as part of your deconstruction, consider adding that research into the wiki. Pages don't need to be polished right off the bat; the important part is having resources available.

  • If you have bookmarks of resources that have been valuable to you, consider adding links to the wiki.

  • If you've been following a relevant news story or feel passionate about one, add a page about it starting with links to news articles.

  • If you host or participate in an exmormon community (online or in-person), consider adding its details to the Communities page.

  • If you are an exmormon content creator, consider adding (objective and fact-based) details about where people can find your content.

  • If you've wanted to write your own "CES Letter"-type publication but haven't out of fear of judgment or lack of technical know-how, consider adding that content to the wiki.

Please feel free to contribute without fear. Just like other wikis, it's free and pretty simple to add and edit contents, and it's really hard for a public user to permanently damage the wiki. If you have questions or concerns, I'm active on Lemmy and my wiki talk page.

Of course, this wiki isn't meant to replace this community or any other resource. Rather, it's meant to give a long lifespan and improved visibility/accessibility to content that can support someone in their faith journey.

Thanks for your attention and time, and thanks for contributing to the wholesome community we have here. <3


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18400362

State has ordered books by 13 authors, 12 of them women, to be removed from every public school classroom and library


"Turn owies into opportunities." 🤡


Honestly I hate wild fires; the smoke is no joke. It is horrible; and I hope they get it under control soon.

Thoughts and prayers…

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