Jill Stein For President, 2024, "People Planet Peace"

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Community for those against and for Jill Stein!

Jill Stein is running for president to offer people a choice outside the failed two-party system. Let's put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate emergency agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot in November 2024.


  1. Try to be as civil as you can be; No Spamming/Trolling; ban for x days if problems arise
  2. Follow global rules
  3. Content must be relevant to JS or issues discussed by them
  4. Personal attack - Attack the argument, not the person
  5. No Porn/Nudity in posts

Go to JillStein2024.com to join us!


  1. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@JillStein2024
  2. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drjillstein
  3. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jillstein2024
  4. X: https://twitter.com/DrJillStein
  5. TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drjillstein

Jill Stein is a Harvard-educated doctor, a pioneering environmental health advocate, and an organizer for people, planet, and peace. She has helped lead initiatives to fight environmental racism, injustice, and pollution, to promote healthy communities, and to revitalize democracy. She has helped win victories in campaign finance reform, racially-just redistricting, and the clean-up of incinerators, coal plants, and other toxic threats. She was a principal organizer for the Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet, and Peace over Profit.

founded 10 months ago


Don’t buy the right wing narrative around the Venezuela elections (and by right wing I also mean the US)


This is so embarrassing. A senator of the right in Colombia - @MariaFdaCabal - makes a post to accuse the government of @NicolasMaduro of human rights violations and she accuses @petrogustavo of enabling the violations.

She adds in a video clip for evidence.

Well, the clip is from a @netflix show called Simón…..having been called out, she does not delete it.

This is the quality of the far right.


Petro vea este video. Esto es producto de lo que usted está permitiendo. Están torturando a los jóvenes que salieron a protestar contra el robo de Maduro en las elecciones.

¿Usted defensor de la paz y los derechos humanos?


Petro watch this video. This is a product of what you are allowing. They are torturing the young people who went out to protest against Maduro's theft in the elections.

Are you a defender of peace and human rights?

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1819327521130790912/vid/avc1/320x576/L5TqysiGy0XvvNTs.mp4

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1819388497863889189



The silence is deafening from @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris on Israel's massive escalation toward a wider war that could quickly mushroom into WWIII.

We demand the US immediately cut off aid to Israel, mandate a ceasefire, and arrest war criminal @netanyahu before he gets us all killed.


Two assasinations in 12 hours. Killing the political head of Hamas presumably kills the ceasefire process. Killing him in Iran is provocation. Killing the Hezbollah commander in Beirut is provocation.

The U.S. & Israel are plunging the region into a devastating war. At a loss for words to fully describe the horrors that are coming.

Update per @SanaSaeed:

Edit—Hezbollah has not confirmed the death of Fuad Shukr.

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1818703942907244694


Edit: added direct link to video


Our military-industrial complex thrives on the profits of war. Defense contractors influence our foreign policy through relentless lobbying and generous campaign contributions, pushing us from one conflict into the next.

This cycle of profit-driven warfare must end.

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1819055638606970880/pu/vid/avc1/1080x1920/Ha5f45w3u4frVHqG.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1819055730252783733


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18127993

Edit: removed LIVE information in title, added video length and Timestamp information 01:32 start time, "&t=92"

Journalism and Analysis from an Anti-imperialist Perspective

Economist Michael Hudson (follow at https://michael-hudson.com/) and Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr. Jill Stein (https://www.jillstein2024.com/) join the program for a special livestream on the US elections and geopolitics! This stream will dive into the breaking news of Israel expanding its war footing into Lebanon, and answer deepest questions of war and peace in the world today. We provide analysis as well as what needs to be done to stop the bankers' wars from taking us to an unthinkable scenario for humanity.


#Israel #hezbollah #nato


Edit: fixed explicit notice


We are funding a torturous regime and it’s quite in line with our own history so really no surprise

But our AIPAC funded government is going to double down, provoke conflict with Iran, and saber rattle to Venezuela

Iran? Venezuela? Couldn’t be about oil could it?

We keep seeing this story, but so many people who saw the emperor had no clothes 20 years ago 🇮🇶 refuse to believe it now

Nothing has fundamentally changed


“I’ve been shocked by electricity through my anus”

“I’ve been shocked by electricity on my testicles”

Horrific testimony by a Palestinian detainee about how he was treated in Sde Teiman concentration camp.

This is what israelis were protesting for, to be able to do this.

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1819224518163873792/vid/avc1/1080x1920/zuVk_-wb7WJm8sAj.mp4

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1819227682229702938



This is just all going to shit isn’t it


Biden is weighing deploying more troops to the Middle East to fight a war on Israel's behalf

He just can't help himself, can he

[Image, description below]

AUGUST 01, 2024

Readout of President Joe Biden's Call with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel


President Biden spoke today with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel. The President reaffirmed his commitment to Israel's security against all threats from Iran, including its proxy terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. The President discussed efforts to support Israel's defense against threats, including against ballistic missiles and drones, to include new defensive U.S. military deployments. Together with this commitment to Israel's defense, the President stressed the importance of ongoing efforts to de-escalate broader tensions in the region. Vice President Harris also joined the call.

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1819212504385417517



We turned in nearly twice the signatures needed to get on the ballot in Alaska, bringing us to 24 states and 278 potential electoral votes!

Please pitch in if you can to help us get on the remaining state ballots, and spread the word: http://jillstein2024.com/donate

[Image, description below]

[Signatures Submitted | Alaska | Is Going Green]

[(Circled with red marker) 6,000 | Signatures Submitted | 3,500 Valid Signatures Required]

Source: https://x.com/TeamJillStein/status/1819138737202180369



.@KamalaHarris, Donald may be afraid of you, but I'm not. I have plenty of things to say - face to face. All you have to do is say when and where. I'll be there ready to debate.


Donald, I do hope you'll reconsider meeting me on the debate stage.

Because, as the saying goes, if you’ve got something to say, say it to my face.

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1818436093907189760/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/_fK5Ip9lz_WQNgF4.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1819117987510866407



Solving this is not rocket science. This is simply a matter of reengaging our political empowerment and demanding that our elected officials serve us - not the military-industrial complex or AIPAC.

Watch the full interview with Michael Hudson and @SpiritofHo on YouTube: [https://youtu.be/l44pHKAHr94]

[Video, link below]

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1819094372371054592/pu/vid/avc1/1080x1920/wl7cuU8gHfMzYLgi.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1819094499953394087

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: added screenshot of tweets


Elon is a clown, but a dangerous one


Well, that's it folks, if Elon took the grey check mark away, then Maduro is no longer President of Venezuela. Those are the rules, sorry.

[Screenshot of @stillgray]

[Breaking: X has removed Nicolás Maduro's government offical grey checkmark from his profile. He is no longer recognized as the legitimately elected leader of Venezuela.]

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1818335811898949910



@SpiritofHo Danny Haiphong hosting @DrJillStein tomorrow 1pmET/10amPT also with economist Michael Hudson (The Hudson Report)


Danny Haiphong Community: https://lemmy.world/c/dannyhaiphong

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1818465387077681285



Our Washington supporters including Campaign Manager @CallForCongress turned in over twice the signatures we need to make WA our 23rd state ballot!

Please pitch in if you can to help us get on the remaining state ballots, and spread the word: http://jillstein2024.com/donate

[Image, description below]

[Signatures Submitted | Washington | Is Going Green]

[Red Circle Around This Information: 2,200 Signatures Submitted | 1,000 Valid Signatures Required]

[Background Image of Jill Giving a speech with activists showing support for Palestine]

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1818385206908162463



Democrats will not save you

They are beholden to the war machine and the fossil fuel industry.

They are funding a genocide and have no plan to address the climate emergency

We need real climate action and an end to war. A vote for red or blue is a vote for annihilation


Antarctic heatwave!

Temperatures are some 24C above average in northern Antarctica at the moment in what should be the height of winter.

[Image, description below]

[GFS 2m T Anomaly (Celcius) [CFSR 1970-2000 baseline]]

[1-day Avg | Mon, Jul 29, 2024]

[ClimateReanalyser.org | Climate Change Institute | University of Maine]

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1818371145835725259



Israel's horrific war on Gaza has now caused a POLIO epidemic. Using disease to decimate Palestinians is not only a genocidal crime against humanity, it's a threat to global polio eradication efforts.

Cut off US aid and demand an immediate ceasefire to stop the epidemic NOW!


Gaza now has a polio epidemic (not just an outbreak, an epidemic). Gaza already has the largest population of child amputees in history. And now a polio epidemic.

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1818368487582318843



43,500 Arab Americans polled by the ADC

[Image Chart, description below]


  1. Dr. Jill Stein 45.3%
  2. VP Kamala Harris 27.5%
  3. Undecided 17.9%
  4. Not Voting 6%
  5. Donald J. Trump 2%
  6. Robert F. Kennedy 1.3%



JULY 27-28, 2024

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1818157941431874029



DNC elites hand-picked Kamala Harris for the same reason they picked Biden: because as he told Wall Street donors, "nothing will fundamentally change".

We don't just need to replace Biden. We need to replace this whole corrupt system with a new politics for people over profit: http://jillstein2024.com

[Image, description below]


  1. No corporate money in politics
  2. End the Gazan genocide
  3. Medicare for All
  4. $25 minimum wage
  5. Cancel student debt
  6. Green New Deal
  7. Build 15M new homes
  8. Ranked-choice voting
  9. Reparations
  10. Community control of police
  11. Legal status for immigrants
  12. Cut military spending by 50%+

STEIN [Green Check Marks on Policy 1 Through 12]

~~BIDEN~~ HARRIS [All Red 'X' Marks On Policy 1 through 12]

TRUMP [All Red 'X' Marks On Policy 1 through 12]

KENNEDY [All Red 'X' Marks On Policy 1 through 11, Green Check Mark on policy 12]

OLIVER [Green Check Marks on policy 2, 8, And 11, The Rest Are All Red 'X' Marks]

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1818029233786249229



While the Biden administration lectures Venezuela about democracy, their own party is suing competitors off the ballot, hiring infiltrators to sabotage opponents, and even withholding public funding we qualified for.

Shut up about Venezuela and stop killing democracy in the US.


#BREAKING: Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Maduro announced election victory:

"We have serious concerns that the results announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people... the international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly."

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1817786579802353664/pu/vid/avc1/1080x594/YkRz7ldVAHMelskc.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1817993691262226455



“I’m really not so interested in the debate over flag burning.. I’m very interested in the debate over child burning.” #JoinJill



Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1816659378189086720/vid/avc1/1920x1080/XwBGIOOJrrcFqWrM.mp4

Source: https://x.com/impattipolitics/status/1816659814329532436



I stood with protesters while @netanyahu addressed Congress this week. While we marched outside and demanded justice, the vast majority of the members of Congress – from BOTH corporate parties – gave that genocidal monster standing ovations.

But we persist. Netanyahu's lies will never be loud enough to drown out our demands for justice for Palestine. As Gaza goes, we all go.

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1816876054348169631



.@RashidaTlaib you have courage. The Democratic Party is where courage goes to die

Jill spoke at today’s Arrest Netanyahu protest. And on Jun 8. And on Jan 13

Unite against genocide

#FreePalestine 🇵🇸

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1816279663679090801



AIPAC should be required to register as a foreign agent. That would effectively shut down the inordinate influence that @AIPAC has on behalf of the state of Israel. #JoinJill

Direct video link: https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1816178388245041152/vid/avc1/1080x1920/_MfPZfpiVPViVdeu.mp4

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1816178495292100936




I’m seeing love for Kamala all over my personal FB feed from longtime Bernie colleagues. It’s turning my stomach


I'm seeing some of the Pro-Palestinian allies get on board with Kamala Harris. If genocide is a red line, why would you support Kamala? She's takes AIPAC money & she's Pro Israel. I'm seeing progressives do the same. This is why the LEFT doesn't win. You don't hold the line.

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1815803014147662256



Kamala Harris is a cop.

A former CA Attorney General and San Francisco DA with a controversial record of giving lip service to progressive reforms, while implementing conservative ideals in the justice system.

The Democrats have replaced Biden with a candidate who polls more poorly than Biden and who will continue to wage genocide on behalf of @AIPAC. They chose to elevate a party insider who is backed by billionaires, lobbyists, and Super PACs.

Since Biden endorsed @KamalaHarris, the anti-Democratic party raised $50 million. While big donors are lining up to support yet another pro-war, corporate candidate, we rely on grassroots donations from people like you: http://jillstein2024.com/donate

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1815846811963109589



Netanyahu has no business in Congress. He belongs in the Hague.

We need to arrest that bastard.

Source: https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1815764442170167425



Trump rejected the RFK outreach essentially saying he wasn’t going to do a quid pro quo

RFK supporters… how are you feeling about this today?

He’s just another corrupt player. Why would anyone think his administration would challenge the status quo?

[Image, description below]

[Headline: RFK Jr. floated a job in a Trump White House as he weighed endorsing Trump]

[Sub-headline: The independent candidate suggested being given a senior job overseeing a portfolio of health and medical issues, an idea that the Trump campaign rejected.

Source: https://x.com/CallForCongress/status/1815447534564987009

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