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submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I know this topic has been done before, though it'd be fun to make my own list. Just a couple of Rules before getting started one of them is no mentioning instances that have been talked (EX: Ambipom not Learning Tail Slap) and No instances that have been reverted and stay reverted (EX: Lickitung not learning lick) OK let's get started.

Shouldn't Learn:

1.Scald - Carkol & Coalossal: None of these scream water. Also, they are 4x weak to Water.

2.Iron Tail - Aron, Lairon & Naganadel: Aron & Naganadel have no tails and Lairon’s tail is too weak and small to work as a weapon.

3.Brick Break - Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff & Snubbull: Their Arms are Stubby.

4.1.Dragon Pulse - The Squirtle Line Up, Arbok, Arcanine (Both Variants), Onix, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, The Totodile Line Up, Ampharos, Steelix, Tyranitar, Tropius, The Feebas Line Up, The Cranidos Line Up, Rhyperior, Serperior, Eelektross, The Scraggy Line Up, Krokorok, Krookodile, The Archen Line Up, The Clauncher Line Up, Heliolisk, The Tyrunt Line Up and Armarouge: None of these Dragons. Also, Arcanine is a mammal and The Clauncher Line Up are Crabs.

4.2.The Totodile Line Up, Tyranitar, Krokorok, Krookodile, The Scraggy Line Up, Eelektross, Pangoro & The Tyrunt Line Up: Same as 1.1.

4.3.Dragon Tail - Arbok, Rhydon, Onix, Meganium, Feraligatr, Ampharos, Steelix, Milotic, Tropius, Rhyperior, Krokorok, Krookodile, The Scraggy Line Up, The Tyrunt Line Up & The Amaura Line Up: Same as 1.1 & 1.2.

5.Earthquake - Aron & Bunnelby: They’re both too small to work for shaking the ground.

6.Defog - Galarian Weezing: Its design screams environmental air blocking and has nothing to Defog with.

7.Cut - The Pansage Line Up, The Pansear Line Up & The Panpour Line Up: None of these Pokémon even have claws.

8.Solar Beam - Volcanion: Nothing about this situation screams Sun related.

9.Leech Life - The Bellsprout Line Up: Bellsprout & Weepinbell don’t have teeth and Victreebel’s mouth is too wide to work as a weapon and it only has teeth at the bottom.

10.Fire Fang & Fire Punch - Galarian Darumaka Line Up: They are pure ice types meaning they would melt if they use fire attacks.

Should Learn:

1.Crab Hammer - The Crabrawler Line Up: They are Crabs.

2.Rage - The Tyrunt Line Up: They are known for insane tempers

3.Shell Smash & Iron Defense - Shelmet: It has a Shell in design & Name. Also, its shell is armored and its Black & Sword talks about how when attacked, it goes into hiding into its shell to protect itself.

4.Tail Slap - The Charmander Line Up, The Squirtle Line Up, The Ekans Line Up, Pikachu, Raichu, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Rhydon, Vaporeon, Gyarados, Aerodactyl, Mewtwo, The Totodile Line Up, Pichu, Tyranitar, Lugia, Aggron, Flygon, Seviper, Armaldo, Milotic, Huntail, Breloom, Salamence, Groudon, Rayquaza, Garchomp, The Skorupi Line Up, Rhyperior, Yanmega, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina (Both Forms), The Snivy Line Up, Krokorok, Krookodile, Archeops, Druddigon, Reshiram, Zekrom, Tyrantrum, Aurorus, Goodra (Both Variants), The Salandit Line Up, Kommo-O, Xurkitree, Guzzlord, Arctovish, Dracozolt, Dragapult, Skeledirge, Cyclizar, Baxcalibur, Koraidon, Miraidon & Walking Wake: All of these Have Muscular Tails and the description talks about how the Pokémon attacks their opponent with their hard tail without special physical or Special Special Purposes.

5.1.Stomp - Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Reshiram, Zekrom & Stakataka: They are heavy and have feet that would crush opponents.

5.2.Stomping Tantrum - Charizard, Blastoise, Reshiram & Zekrom: Same as 5.1.

6.Poison Tail - Nidoking & Nidoqueen: They are Poison Types & Have Muscular Tails.

7.Fire Blast & Flamethrower - Giratina (Both Forms), Jangmo-O & Hakamo-O: They are Dragons, which are commonly known for breathing Fire.

8.1.Triple Kick - Kantonian Ponyta Line Up, Galarian Ponyta Line Up, Kantonian Tauros, Paldean Tauros, Stantler, Combusken, Blaziken, The Deerling Line Up, Zebstrika, The Skiddo Line Up, Xerneas, The Mudsdale Line Up, Stakataka, The Wooloo Line Up, The Cufant Line Up & Wyrdeer: These Pokémon have either feet or Hooves they can kick with.

8.2.Mega Kick - Kantonian Ponyta Line Up, Galarian Ponyta Line Up, Kantonian Tauros, Paldean Tauros, Stantler, The Deerling Line Up, Zebstrika, The Skiddo Line Up, Xerneas & The Cufant Line Up: Same as 8.1.

8.3.Double Kick - The Deerling Line Up, Zebstrika, The Skiddo Line Up, Xerneas, Stakataka & The Cufant Line Up: Same as 8.1 & 8.2.

8.4.Blaze Kick - Kantonian Ponyta Line Up, Galarian Ponyta Line Up, Kantonian Tauros, Paldean Tauros (Combat & Blaze Breed) & Zebstrika: Same as 8.1. - 8.3. Though also Kantonian Ponyta Line Up & Paldean Tauros (Blaze Breed) are Fire Types.

9.Megahorn - Nidorino: His Stadium, Ruby, Sapphire & Sword Dex entries talk about how his horn is sharper than a Diamond.

10.Psystrike - The Abra Line Up, Drowzee, Hypno, Xatu, The Ralts Line Up, The Gothita Line Up, Solgaleo, Lunala & Necrozma: They are Psychic Types or Part Psychic Types.

11.Close Combat - Throh: His counterpart, Sawk can learn it and Throh can throw punches.

12.Super Fang - The Charmander Line Up, The Garchomp Line Up & The Sandile Line Up: All of these Pokémon have teeth.

13.Dig - The Houndour Line Up: They are Dogs, which are known for Digging.

14.Aqua Tail - Arctovish: It’s part water type and it has a tail that is muscular.

15.Silk Trap - Leavanny: Its Black, Black 2, White 2 & X Dex Entries talk about how it shoots Silk from its mouth.

and, that's the list. If there is anything wrong with this list or something i missed, please let me know. What do you think of this list, otherwise? It'd be cool to see what ideas for this topic people come up with.


Not only was I lucky enough to get Pokérus in Crystal, but it also happened to be just before arriving at the Indigo Plateau for the first time. This provides a rather unique opportunity.

Within the Indigo Plateau is an old man NPC with an Abra who only appears while you have not yet beaten the Elite Four; this NPC can use his Abra to Teleport you back to the door of your home in New Bark Town. This disrupts the usual programming for Elm’s Pokérus phone call, since Elm is programmed to call you immediately after you step out of the PokéCenter that diagnoses your infected Pokémon (sidenote: The healing NPC in the house on Route 26 does not diagnose the Pokémon nor does she disrupt the script).

Using the Abra to teleport to New Bark Town allows you to take an extra step or Fly and then take an extra step upon landing before Elm calls you. This allows for the already rare phone call to take place on a number of otherwise impossible tiles. Anywhere just outside your home or at Lake of Rage normally would be impossible, as would one step away from any PokéCenter. I included the screenshot at Olivine City specifically since it seems to have the closest interactable tiles relative to the Fly landing tile; unfortunately, you cannot select Surf in time before his call after taking the one step, but I’m curious if you have any suggestions for where to Fly to in order to disrupt this sequence further.

You can walk into your home and any PokéCenter that you Fly to and Elm won’t call you while you are indoors; however, once you exit the building, you no longer have this extra step and he will call you.

I found this fringe anomaly interesting and thought maybe it could be explored further.


Rachael Lillis, a voice actor who starred in many “Pokémon” films and series as the characters Misty, Jessie and more, died Aug. 10. She was 46.

Lillis was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2024. Veronica Taylor, Lillis’ “Pokémon” co-star who voiced the lead character Ash Ketchum, posted a statement on X Monday morning that announced Lillis’ death.


Not my channel, not my video or work - but I thought it was cool and wanted to share it here ;)



There is a Pokemon fan Project that let you fight with a Pokemon team in a rogue lite format, so it get harder and harder and you need to find a team that keep up with the level and manage you money/ressouces as long as possible. I think it makes a lot of fun and maybe survive since it's a non profit project. Try it out if you want.

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