Dogs may have domesticated themselves because they really liked snacks, model suggests
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Neoteny is 100% a thing and relevant to domestication...
But that's more because childhood is a very very expensive thing biologically that is punished harshly in most environments, but pays off dividends in adulthood.
At a certain point, it's best to never grow out of those conditions.
You're still viewing it thru the lens of human civilization
I think you'd be interested in that article
You're not wrong that a broader view of domestication as any kind of biological mutualism is more broadly correct and useful in many senses.
But... I'm talking about humans.
As I already mentioned, I disagree on the bolded part.
Look at our food system and see what it is currently doing to us.
Even with the definition that 'domestication is naturally arising mutualism, not necessarily with an initial intention in mind'... this still fits into it.
We altered our food, it altered us.
If you're less cynical than me, well, it was unintentional that our changes to food would change us, so its unintentional mutualism.
If you are as cynical as me, well then:
Certain extremely powerful groups and people chose to do things like massively subsidize corn, knowingly fallaciously drum up fats as the main risk to general public health, when they actually knew the real problem was certain kinds of sugars, but they buried that research, and now US citizens eat some kind of HFCS in absurd amounts in all kinds of food.
This fucks our endocrine systems and increases neoteny.
Then its... an intentional mutualism, as directed by an elite and powerdul social group of humans toward the plants and the other humans.
Either way... this did all start with humans domesticating plants, whether initially intentionally aiming at this outcome or not.
You larger idea of domestication is valid, but I'm talking about the constrained case of domestication and its effects as they relate to humans.
I find other kinds of interspecies mutualistic relationships fascinating, but I don't think expanding the concept of domestication to be less anthropocentric... somehow negates the application of the term to what it expanded from, and does not disclude.
(That article was good read though, thanks =D)
Well that's whete the miscommunication was