Buy Canadian
A community dedicated to buying Canadian products.
Une communauté dédiée à l'achat de produits Canadiens.
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I've already cut ties with Walmart, and will be drastically diverting purchases away from Amazon whenever possible.
Once you get it in your mind that "yeah, I'm not supporting Nazis", it's really easy to reject anything and everything American.
And for anything that isn't made in Canada or by a Canadian company, I'm happy to support our allies from around the world, too.
Depending where you are it's honestly not hard to avoid amazon.
I've cancelled prime in January and since then, I found that every thing I needed and got there for convenience, I got from elsewhere for the same if not less and with the same kind of shipping speed.
Hell, just this week I was setting up my old vita for my son and found I needed a replacement charger. I found it from a used game store in Ontario, came to me in 2 days.
I'm ashamed of being lazy these past few years and using them so much when I could have supported local businesses instead...
Yeah it is amazing how much you realize when that option is taken away.
I'll add - dumped Amazon a bit ago and wish I'd done it sooner. Finding lots of other online stores and getting more quality products. Haven't shopped at Walmart in decades. Trying to walk the walk more and it's improving my qol.
The problem (for me) isn't necessarily not being able to find things, but the added shipping costs associated with buying from other retailers.
Paying $10 to $30 in extra shipping per order could costs thousands a year. But I will be exploring local options for every new purchase. 👌
How many of your Amazon purchases are things you actually need?
I deleted my Amazon account entirely -- my kindle is a paperweight now. It sucked, but between Amazon and all the other retailers I refuse to do business with my impulse buying has dropped to near zero. Any non essential want has an added barrier to buying it now -- and that's not a bad thing.
Yes: some of the things I buy are a bit more expensive now, but I'm actually spending less overall.
I'm a minimalist at heart, so I scrutinize my purchases and tend to only get things I need. And if I need something, I'll let it sit in my cart or wishlist and track price changes to get the best deal.
Take the last example. I needed a replacement battery for my UPS. I've been buying from a small business for years, but they are an hour drive away and only open during regular business hours. Driving there would be wasteful (time and gas), but I'd have to take time off work to do it.
They charged $19 shipping for the several that I've purchased in the past.
Amazon lists the same battery for the same price, but free shipping.
I should have gone with Amazon, but as the latest shipping price was "only" $12, I went with the small business instead.
Even if I had to make only one of those decisions per month, we're still talking over $100 extra for no benefit to me as the consumer. It's a hard sell, but I've been willing to spend more if it means keeping more money within Canada. I do not expect everyone to have the financial means to do that all the time, but I also don't think we should be striving for perfection (which could act as a barrier to begin with).
And the other challenge I've been facing with trying to support local businesses is that quite a few don't try to accommodate people like me, who need a safe place to lock up my bike when I shop. No consumer should have to fight to give businesses money, but I still try!
You can get fucking batteries literally anywhere moron. Defending Amazon like your life depends on sucking Bezos dick.
For clarity, not talking AA batteries.
I needed a special lead acid battery for a discontinued UPS backup system.
They most certainly aren't sold "anywhere".
Originals are from an American company, so I won't order from them.
But, yeah. You're lucky if you live in a place that sells these types of batteries everywhere.
I cancelled Prime’s auto renewal, I think my membership is up in November, but I have uninstalled all the Amazon apps from all of my devices.
I've got some Amazon gift card balance on my account from Christmas. I'm not sure if it would be better to spend that (which would mean buying from Amazon) or to leave it (which would mean letting Amazon keep my money.)
The best you can do if you want to spend that on Amazon is to look for Canadian manufacturers. Amazon has a lot of small, local businesses, especially on food items.
Edit: also consider that Amazon already has the money if it's a gift card. Spend it on stuff you need and don't sweat it. Finding Canadian items should be easy.
Was also about to comment this. Amazon already has the money from the gift card purchase. Not spending it would technically leave Amazon with more profits. Try to find Canadian products there and use only the money from the gift card. Thanks for doing that : )
Maybe buy some groceries and donate them to a food bank to get rid of it? Then at least someone in need gets something.