Valve Deckard: Latest leak reveals early specifications of long-awaited Valve Index successor
Virtual Reality - Quest, PCVR, PSVR2, Pico, Mixed Reality, ect. Open discussion of all VR platforms, games, and apps.
It has to be. I had to sell my wireless kit for my valve as it doesn't work with my new AMD CPU. I play tethered now and it's awful.
I don't care about the specs as long as it has a decent display and integrated well into steam.
Oh, and please have something akin to the knuckles controllers and it's grip function. The reason I haven't switched yet (besides meta being involved) is that I cannot use my knuckles anymore. Or without major hassle at least.
One of my knuckles is busted after my kid threw a tantrum and threw it >.> So I gotta get a new one
That's harsh, but fair. I hope it can serve as a lesson to any other kids out there though.
But man, new kids are expensive these days. Good luck!