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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/Choice_Evidence1983 on 2025-03-26 04:02:11+00:00.
I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/KittyKatze3
Originally posted to r/CharlotteDobreYouTube
AITA for not wanting to wear a different bridesmaid dress?
Thanks to u/queenlegolas & u/soayherder for suggesting this BoRU
Trigger Warnings: racism, discussions of infidelity, controlling behavior
Original Post: March 16, 2025
A few months ago, my (32F) good friend’s (33M, Riley) fiancé (33F, Sam) asked me to be a bridesmaid. The bride-to-be and I have always been friendly but not very close (she never seemed very interested in getting to know our friend group despite repeated attempts), so I was pretty surprised when she asked me; still, I agreed.
The wedding is coming up in a few weeks, and while I’m more than happy to take part, I’ve been having some issues with the dress situation. The bridesmaid dress was picked out last year, and the fittings were officially finished last month; Sam paid for everything. The plan was for all bridesmaids to wear the same exact dress (she really stressed that she wanted all of us to look identical). But, during brunch 2 weeks ago, she told me that I’ll need to wear a different dress.
Apparently, she decided that all of the brides maxes should have a different “look” instead of looking identical. I thought it was a bit weird to change something like this so late in the game, but didn’t really think much else of it. We agreed to a date/time for my fitting, and continued with brunch.
Fast forward to the day of my fitting last week. The new dress was…unexpected. While the old dress was a cuffed off the shoulder emerald green dress with a high slit and was fairly form fitting, this new dress was giving elevated mumu. It was shapeless and long-sleeved, and was what I can only call vomit green. Regardless, I agreed to wear the dress, thinking at least the other bridesmaids would join me in my suffering.
2 days ago, during dinner with one of the bridesmaids, I asked if she’s already seen her new dress. She looked confused, and asked me what I was talking about. I reiterated what Sam said during brunch, and she looked even more confused, and told me that she hasn’t heard anything about getting a new dress. This is when a few alarm bells started going off.
Later that night, I texted all of the other bridesmaids asking if they’ve been told anything about getting new dresses, and they all said no. I once again reiterated what Sam told me during brunch, and they agreed that the situation was starting to look a bit sus. One of them suggested that it may just be a misunderstanding. I didn’t understand how it could be a misunderstanding, but decided to speak with Sam again anyways.
I called Sam yesterday, and after some generic chit chat, I asked her why she hasn’t told any of the other bridesmaids that they’re getting new dresses. Long silence. Like, so much so that I thought the call disconnected. She then told me that she made a last-minute decision not to get everyone different dresses, but I’d still be wearing a different dress because she already bought it (she already bought the old dress too, so this reasoning made zero sense). I tried to reason with her by mentioning how strange it would look for 1 bridesmaids to look completely different from the others and would draw unnecessary attention, but she said she didn’t mind. She then rushed to get off the phone, and basically hung up on me.
Later that day, I texted her to tell her that I didn’t feel comfortable wearing that dress, and I kinda felt like she’s picking on me for some reason. Haven’t received a response yet. Part of me feels like I’m being a bit dramatic, but another part of me feels like singling me out for no reason. I don’t want to cause any drama or stress, but I also don’t want to feel uncomfortable at the wedding.
**Edit: A few people have suggested that Sam is jealous of me being Riley’s friend, but another close female friend of Riley’s is also a bridesmaid (but she is a lot closer to Sam than I or anyone else in our friend group is).
AITAH has no consensus bot, OOP was NTA
Relevant Comments
Commenter 1: She jelly girl. Do not participate in the wedding if she is going to be SUCH an AH. You should tell your friend because that is BS all around.
OOP: I’m learning towards just demoting myself to guest. But my friend was so happy to hear that I agreed to be a bridesmaid 😕
Commenter 2: Something is definitely SUS. Either she thinks you’re too close to the groom and is targeting you because of it, or she thinks you’re too pretty and wants to make sure she looks better than you. Either way, targeting is definitely going on. Your male friend might not be your male friend much longer. Considering the targeting, I would tell your male friend the truth and let the chips fall as they may. Tell him you don’t want to be in the wedding because the bride picked out a really ugly dress just for you… and if you are not the MOH, that’s even weirder. You feel like this is some kind of personal attack so you think it would be better to bow out than become some kind of laughingstock on his big day. It will definitely piss the bride off, but it prevents the bride from making up lies about why you wore the dress you did or that you dropped out because you can’t stand to see them get married. If you’ve watched Charlotte at all, you’ve likely seen some bride stories where bridezillas did this to some bridesmaid they hated but felt they had to invite because of the groom. This sounds on par.
OOP: Oh boy ugh. I foresee multiple unpleasant conversations in the near future. I’m just wondering if this was her plan from the beginning, or if something happened pretty recently that made her dislike me.
Commenter 3: NTA This was a very calculated move to make you look bad.
OOP: But why? I can’t figure it out. We’ve never argued and all of our interactions have been pretty positive.
Does OOP still have the possession of both original and new dress?
OOP: Nope—she took the original dress back
Update #1: March 17, 2025 (next day)
Didn’t think I’d have an update so soon, but here we are. I spoke with Riley over the phone last night, and explained the entire dress situation. He seemed more disappointed than surprised, which caught me off guard, and was pissed on my behalf. He then told me what he believes is the reason behind Sam’s newfound hostility towards me: Last month while he and Sam were having dinner with his family, his mother let it slip that Riley and I kinda went on a date a while ago. To be clear, we DID NOT actually date. We went on a double date with a friend and a girl he was into because he was so nervous. I never even counted it as a real date because Riley and I were just there to make our friend more comfortable—there has never been anything even remotely romantic between us. Also, keep in mind that this happened almost 12 years ago. I had honestly completely forgotten about it.
Riley said that he explained everything to Sam to drive home the fact that it wasn’t a real date, but she was fixated on him not telling her about it until now. She said that if it was truly not a real date and if he really didn’t have any feelings for me, then he would’ve already told her about it. Things were tense for a few days, but they later apologized to each other (him for not saying anything and her for overreacting), so he thought that the issue was resolved. That seems to not be the case.
Anywho, Riley plans on speaking with her tonight, so we’ll see what comes of that. Regardless, I don’t think it makes sense for me to continue to be a bridesmaid, even if I’m “allowed” to wear the original dress. Hoping everything works out.
Relevant / Top Comments
Commenter 1: Woooow. That is super unhinged. It's a huge red flag. I agree that you probably should step out of the wedding party.
OOP: Yeah I could not believe it when I heard that that’s why she’s acting a damn fool. Madness
Commenter 2: Why havent' you been asked to be a groomswoman?
OOP: OP has a lot of brothers, so all of them are his groomsmen. There’s already an equal number of bridesmaids and groomsmen. Although, with me likely no longer being a bridesmaid, not sure what the plan would be 🤷🏽♀️
Commenter 3: Riley’s mom did that on purpose and no one can change my mind!!! Sam sounds UNHINGED and was prolly hoping this would push either her to breakup in a rage or for Riley to wake up to the psycho he’s about the marry🙄🙄You, unfortunately, were used as the catalyst. VERY UNCOOL!!!
Definitely skip the wedding & keep Riley at arm’s length til he either dumps Sam or handles his mother.
Commenter 4: Well, it seems he has bigger issues to resolve now than handling the dress situation. He's marrying the mental one. That girl is unhinged, getting mad at something that wasn't even a date that happened 12 years ago. I would say, IF this wedding happens, just go as a guest.
Update #2:...
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