Hi, new here to this instance. Also first post on Lemmy, I guess? Sorry if this is the wrong place. There was no "games"-community here, and I wanted to share with the local instance.
Anyway, wanted to recommend some games I've played recently that are somewhat "furry" in their themes.
- Pseudoregalia
A really fun N64 inspired metroidvania where you play as a goat-lady who has to escape a dream world. Extremely satisfying movement and optional costumes to earn. It's great!

- Corn Kidz 64
A really fun N64 inspired collect-a-thon where you play as a goat-kid who has to escape a dream world. Extremely satisfying movement and... Uh... They sound really similar now that I write it out, but they're real fun.

- FUGA: Melodies of Steel
Tactical RPG where you control children in a big-ass tank. It takes place during """World War 2""" and sports perma-death for the children. Really dark, but really good too. Sequel recently came out too.

Thanks for these recommendations! I've been meaning to play Fuga for a while.
The trailer for the Big Catch looks really good - you play as an anthro bun thing. Clearly inspired by PS2 era platformers.
Oh I just started playing that a few days ago! That was really fun! Thanks for the recommendation again
Do you mean you played the demo for the Big Catch? I need to try it out myself :3
Correct! The demo is HUUUGE too. Real fun
Sounds great - I might try it out later in which case!
If you have a steam deck, I can recommend it there. Ran like a dream!
I do actually! Glad to hear it runs well - I'll try it out soon :3