Following a plant-based diet does not harm athletic performance, systematic review finds
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right, so bone ash and wood, not bone broth.
And pray do tell what would you call bone Ash when you rehydrate it and turn it into a drink.
Bone and wood ash drink
It's really funny watching you squirm and try to weed your way out of this. How does it feel to be someone trying to preach about the greatness of vegetarianism and at the same time driving people away from it by just being a shitty person and disingenuous??? We both know if this was a your little fiefdumb you would have banned me four comments ago just like you did then there last time you had put your foot in your mouth.
It's really funny watching you believe that a drink is comparable the foundational foods of a diet, to the staple foods. You really have zero clue about nutrition.