So... if you've kept up with my previous ditherings, then you know that I'm trying to help an elderly friend ("Calvin") in my place hang on to what's his. Me, I've known him for ~12yrs, but, really... that doesn't matter. More like if I can possibly help someone, then that's how that works, even if I wind up neglecting my favorite blog / community. Community!
But man, this shit has been a trial. For real.
I mean, for one, this funny guy evidently didn't pay his electric bill for a godamn year And every time I talk to him about that now, I keep reminding him to pay his bill and fix his service, naturally. Me, I've tried contacting The Illuminating Company myself, but so far it seems that you have to be the actual approved phone# / acct# in order to access even the simplest of details about a person's account. Eh, okay.
I'm just worried in general, tho.
Me and a friend did a whirlwind grand-cleansing of his apt for the upcoming annual inspections, but what's that going to matter if he gets kicked out due to not paying his rent, you know? (even though he has the money?)
It's just bloody-hell ridoinkulous.
And yes, every verdammt day I talk to him and beg him to take care of this stuff, and he says "yes, sure I will," and then he does nothing.
It's just... I'm not sure how to better describe this complete mess. It's almost like Cal's got this passive-aggressive need to take down anyone who cares about him.
I'm just lost, honestly, and my stress levels are through the roof. I really don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do, here.
(sorry about my language, above...)
EDIT: FFS, he's 75yo. He's not 90yo. All of this would make more sense if Cal was 90yo...

That’s a rough situation to be in mate, it sounds like you are doing all that can be done. Do you know if he’s been fine up until recently or has always been like this? Just from the few I’ve known closely around that age it is possible that cognitive degeneration can sneak up relatively undetected. Often it initially only affects limited aspects and is fairly easy for people to mask and present as typical.
Appreciate that, mate.
Cal's still reasonably sharp IMO, but he's just less & less able to conduct himself around. Like, when your legs go, that's the thing?!