Hello, and with the disclaimer that I'm no electrician whatsoever,
I had this three-way light switch in my room, which only controlled one light - and its pilot lit when the light was set off. Unfortunately I had to break the wall it was onto because the neighbor had water issues. Left the switch connected to the wires as I thought it wasn't necessary to unplug it, but the person that fixed the wall unplugged it nevertheless.
The thing is I can't remember how it was plugged. I can plug hot and ground (at 0 and 1, or 0 and 3) so I can turn on/off the light, but the pilot won't work in any case.
Here's a picture of the back of the switch, the numbers at each connector and the little diagram (tried to recreate it at the right side) that is engraved there. Not even sure why it's 0, 1 and 3 but no 0, 1 and 2 - nor what the little "m" means:

So how can I connect this so the pilot works as before (it's lit when the light is turned off?) I'd really appreciate any help about this from any electron wizard around here.
You're a genius! That was it.
I owe you a beer. Thank you so much.
Do you think Colombian beer would make it past Swedish customs? :)
Not sure, we as a country bear that horrible but deserved reputation of having "creative" ways to export (illegal) substances... -__-
But if you ever come here there will be a beer, or at least good coffee