Mental Health
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There is exactly one mention of mental health in Utah law for a drivers license. You're better off telling your story instead of acting like this was a surprise. You wouldn't have gotten 99% of the comments doubting you.
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs see: 41-6a-509(8)
Driving with any Measurable Controlled Substance in the body.
Court may shorten suspension period if the person: [there are seven different options, below is the relevant one]
Completes educational series approved by the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (if treatment is not ordered);
The Utah DLD has easily found information on their website regarding mental health and driving privileges. On, under the section "Medical Standards for Drivers" you can find a list of medical categories pertaining to drivers. Specifically, Category G relates directly to mental health, and seems to entrust health care providers with broad discretionary power per my reading.
If you have more trouble navigating their site than I did, the direct link to the .pdf detailing the safety levels associated with Category G is
I just found that and was about to link it!
I'm not sure what my doctor would report my condition as, but since I've felt depressed within the last two years I'm technically at least Safety Assessment Level 2, which means a doctor needs to give the DMV an annual health report or my license gets suspended. (Technically Zoloft, one of the most common depression medications, has drowsiness as a potential side effect. So I very well could be SAL 6, which requires a review every 6 months and a doctor's specific recommendation to drive)
I didn't know any of that, because I got my license and diagnosis before that law existed, and never got the letter telling me to get a report or telling me my license was suspended
It's definitely not a substance thing, I'm a teetotaler with a possibly unreasonable fear of addiction/dependency and a nearly spotless driving record
I'll have to wait for the form to arrive to see their criteria, so I might update in "7-10 business days" when that happens