Sorry I don't know anything about guns, but is this the barrel getting smaller right at the end? What would happen if you were to fire a solid slug?
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Nothing good. It would damage the choke and possibly banana peel the barrel.
Chokes are removable, and it would be advised to remove them for shooting a slug.
Not all chokes are removeable. If you do have a modular choke you'll damage your gun faster firing without a choke tube in place faster than by firing slugs through a full choke. They make thin wall choke tubes if you want to have an open choke with a modular choke system. From my admittedly 2nd hand knowledge rifled slugs through full choke is safe, but generally inaccurate.
Yup, I have shot slugs from choked barrels on many occasions and it works just fine. Some shotguns shoot rifled slugs a little better with a modified choke than a cylinder choke.
Yes they get a bit smaller at the end to reduce the spread.
Bullets are quite malleable and it’s normal for them to deform a bit during firing. Bullets for non-shotguns typically get forced down a bit in the forcing cone before being deformed to fit the grooves in the rifling.
“Rifled” lead shotgun slugs have these grooves around the outside that allow them to deform down to a smaller diameter. You can shoot them through a choked shotgun barrel just fine.
Brother do you sig fig?
What shot size though? Or doesn't it really matter, more just a difference in the spread within the spread and a difference in strength of impact?
The particular combination of barrel and shot matters. Even different brands of similar shot, or different shotguns of the same make/model, can have differences.
The chart above is just a general guideline, it’s often recommended to pattern your specific combination to know firsthand how it performs.
I've got a pretty decent feel for what I use, but haven't ever put it on a target, but I guess I was trying to point out that the chart is somewhat arbitrary without listing a common shot size
Also fun fact your whole vodoo imperial system is inherently based on metrics. All definitions of lengths are put in reference to a meters and cm so you too are metrically inclined. You just prefer to do a mental backflip first
It's fairly common knowledge that imperial units are anchored to metric standards now, but that connection doesn't make someone metrically inclined. Still gotta do the backflip. Continuing to use a worse system is annoying and not something everyone prefers to do, hence OP providing the conversions.
We only started defining them that way in the 1980's. Many peoples reference (at least in America) is literally just standard imperial measures. Before metric references the imperial system was defined by rods and barleycorns, but that doesn't make anyone barleycorn or rod inclined.
Sorry, we are talking about guns here. With guns, as with many other topics, America is #1. So your opinion is irrelevant
Would the spread with the cylinder choke also be indicative of the accuracy of a muzzle loading smooth bore musket?
To a degree yes, for that you'd ideally want a uniform barrel. But then again you don't have rifling, so you're already not on a great foot.
Not having standardized decimal indicators in maths really took me for a ride.
Agreed! It's confusing when most of the world uses "," as a decimal indicated but some countries use "." for that.
Is your existence just to complain about insignificant things in otherwise interesting content? Sounds miserable.
Yeah that would sound miserable. Kinda didn't complain tho just pointed it out bc I first read it as 1016m. See to complain I would need to explicitly say I am unhappy or that this would need to change. I just pointed out that due to me having a different understanding of decimal indication I was confused for a second.
You know what would be miserable tho? Misinterpreting a comment and then jumping to a conclusion about another person's happiness. Go out. Touch some grass. Think about why you so quickly came to such a negative conclusion. Get happy. ✌️
It's definitely not just for the one comment rofl. It's a special kind of person to make two top-level posts complaining about a meme.
You must know.