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Guitar Pedals
This community is for the discussion and appreciation of Guitar Pedals. Post your pedalboards, ask about pedal order, stomp those boxes!
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- This is not a classified ads forum, no buy/sell/trade posts
- Asking for recommendations about what to buy is fine
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- Links to retailers found below
Gear Reviews:
- 60 Cycle Hum
- Andertons
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- JHS Pedals
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- The Guitar Geek
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Guitar pedal icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Banner from Sweetwater's Largest Pedalboard
OK, I was convinced to record something.
Holy crap that sounds epic! Also I love that one of the hashtags was #nylon 😆
all my guitars have nylon strings. i mostly play classical guitar.
Woah thanks for doing that! Really unique and cool tone.
Thanks, I am liking these modern fuzz now that I've got a handle on gain stacking.
I love my GOAT octave fuzz but that belongs with the wah and only the wah.
No sorry, I'm not setup to record and I'm not really interested in recording.
Don't see a lot of JoYo in USA. Are you in Europe? Or South America?
Amazon bought JoYo in the 2000s, that's why redirects to and also why I can't buy :(
It's ok, I got