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You will need an official controller and if the bd is missing you will want the nobd version of evilnat. I don't know if you will be able to use OFW without a bd so better to skip direct to a CFW.
got me a fake PS3 controller. looks the part and what's more important - the PS button is detected!
however, I can't get to load the update from the USB. possibly because I'm missing the BD...? I got the noBD CFW but how can I get it to load? after pressing the start+select combo it's supposed to load the update from the USB but that's not happening, it just says "Checking... Please wait.". the USB drive shows no activity (it's got a LED for r/w activity).
edit: after like a year and a half of just sitting there, it finally prompted me to press start+select for five seconds to format. upon complying, another decade or so passed before it began to install the OFW. fingers crossed!
edit 2: musta crossed those finger wrong, it's now stuck in an update loop... starts installing and at 41% it stops with error 8002F114E. upon restart, it begins again.
~~final~~ edit: you can't install the CFW without the OFW. and you can't install the OFW without a present and functioning BD. so, this thing goes back to the dumpster as it's useless as is. at least I have a fake dualshock controller that doesn't work with my BT adapter...
last edit so far: I got me a defunct PS3 that the same generation and transferred the BD over and... it worked, flash completed and latest OFW 4.91 works! now I'm off to install the CFW!
If you're like me and you insist you getting a real controller, be careful. it's a minefield of very convincing fakes. They will work, including on recovery mode, but usually have shoddy SIXAXIS and drift.
Even looking at comparison pics, the only way I could be sure was by looking at the PCB and cross referencing with this
I got ahold of another CECHH04 that doesn't work and transferred the BD over annnd... it worked! the flash completed and the latest OFW 4.91 is installed. now I'm off to install the CFW with a noBD patch. yay me!