Posted at 5am.
Yep. Been there.
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
Posted at 5am.
Yep. Been there.
Been there... Last night, in fact. Sleep timer went off, quarter to eleven. Just took about an hour to download gow: ragnarok on pc, had half an hour playing. "Ok, just a few minutes..."
3am this morning... "Ok, I'm now impaired enough that I'm fucking fights up... Better go to bed."
I am also currently playing ragnarok. Super beautiful game aesthetically, great story so far. Combat is good but sometimes sucks a little. Not for the mechanics or anything but sometimes you just get super mobbed. Maybe i need to turn my camera speed up to help with situational awareness and general being-bad-at-games-ness
Hah, with you on that... I kind of like that the shield is directional, and if you're facing the wrong way, suck it...
Yeah or maybe you’re just trying to wind down doing something online whatever no one’s business to be fair. There’s having the energy to have a thoughtful conversation and then there’s watching a video or whatever. They’re not equal. And you don’t owe anyone your time anyway.
Yeh I say goodnight to more mean “I’m done socializing now” not “I’m going to sleep immediately”.
Nothing like trying to go to sleep, getting distracted by some thought, and going on my phone to distract myself from said thought
That’s the definition of a good night