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Go Cocks!!!
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Checking in! Today's our first day with power and internet.
Go Cocks!!!
Hope everything's good! Shits wild to see reports on, it seems like it hit so deep into the South where it normally doesn't have that effect.
14-0????????????? VANDY, YOU SEXY BITCH
I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m watching Georgia/Auburn on ESPN 4K through YouTube TV. That means there’s no commercials. During the breaks, I get a view from a camera on a corner of the stadium, and I hear the band play.
That’s awesome, and I’m loving it!
This is what America needs
Is Georgia just not great this year or what?
I’m not really sure what’s going on with them. They should have beat Bama last week, but they should have lost to Kentucky. It’s like they play to the level of their competition.
Someone out there doin god's work
^10^ Michigan @ Washington
So maybe Tuttle is the QB moving forward? Hey, third time's the charm. They say having 2 QBs is having none, but they never said anything about trying 3 QBs
9windiana lookin very possible this year
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I believe in vandy. Can anyone tell me if they actually look like they got a shot here in q4?
Bwahahaha! Alabama gets to feel, just for one night, what the entire 2023 and 2024 seasons have been like for both of the teams I care about.
Absolutely. They have so much chemistry and the playcalling is genuinely creative and effective. Pavia just oozes confidence.
In contrast, Alabama is off-and-on. A handful of amazing plays between a lot of clunky ones (especially on defense).
Pavia just oozes confidence.
Well, according to his post-game interview, God gave him a vision when he was a little kid, so…
That's insane in every other context lol (this one too, just it's more accepted in this arena).
"God told me when I was 5 that I was going to grow up to be the best regional bank loan officer, and it's him I have to thank for where I am today"
If I don't see an upset, I will be more disappointed in this game than I was on prom night
Beat Georgia one week, then lose to Vandy the next week. Make it make sense.
"We wanna beat Bama and be #1" and then the Monkey Paw curled
UW lost to Rutgers last week, beat Michigan this week lol
It's time for Tennessee to be humbled.
^3^ Tennessee @ Arkansas
I really cannot believe Arky put the Walmart pucker-anus on their field. Have some self awareness of what your brand means in the world, Walton family.
Yeah the only thing arky messed up was not punching it in. That drive makes me nervous
Did espn just do a "Feels like 98"?
Rat Poison
Well, it's nice to be the subject of a field storming... gg piggies
Glad they we're getting these stops, wish we didn't have to.
O needs to get going here
Mertz is efficient but when every completion is 6 yards you have ZERO room for error, plus it’s booooring. Perhaps even more than most teams’, Florida’s fans want an adrenaline hit on offense. I think a high floor/low ceiling air raid coach probably would have lasted longer at UF than at most high-expectations schools.
Florida run defense looks slightly better tonight.
Go Navy, Beat Air Force!
Really beautiful reverse on 4th and 2 to score a TD there. More of that, please
This is a wild rushing performance by us holy shit
217 on 28 attempts, 7.8 avg
Shit, Gordon hurt. Hit in the knees, hope it's nothing serious.