I tick every single box, what do i win?
Ausome Memes
A community for memes and humorous images that may be appreciated by autistic people, not necessarily autism-related memes.
Instance description for federated visitors
- Follow instance rules
- Please use the Lemmy cross-post option when applicable
- No political memes.
- Rules may adapt as the community grows.
Blackout with two asterisks:
Puts things down, where'd it go: I usually don't do this, but only because I am very deliberate and systematic about where I put things. Similar to the sock question. (Do socks bother you? No, because I have a system)
Walking into walls (and other stationary objects): I don't do this much anymore, but I did quite a bit as a child.
hmmm 🤔
hmmmmm 🤔 at which ones? or the results??
also, I love the use of green bell peppers lol
It's one of the pre installed brushes in GIMP
If I didn’t have aphantasia I’d probably have row 1 box 3 marked as well. I get lost in thought, but it’s more logistical planning for eco transformation type stuff (how to convert parking garages into hydroponic farms and the like)
Also messy room is whole house, and I’m doing a lot better with that, but as a kid I cleaned my room with a rake more than once.
Is there a rule that daydreams have to be visual? Spending lots of time thinking up extremely detailed strategies for unlikely hypothetical scenarios definitely qualifies as "elaborate daydreams", in my opinion.
No bingo. Guess I'm just not trying hard enough.
I mean it's isomorphic to a bingo, so that's cool.
nerd shit
An isomorphism is a structure-preserving reversible mapping. Pick any board configuration with a bingo and the same number of marked squares. There exists an isomorphism mapping from your board to a board configuration with a bingo. Specifically, by switching pairs of squares until you get a bingo, the record of switches you made defines an isomorphism that takes your board to a bingo board.
Practically, this just means that you just have at least 5 squares.