I think orks would improve capitalism.
Da stompin' ground fer da dankest memes from da 41st millennium an' da Mortal Realms, right 'ere at yer central Waaagh! hub!
da roolz
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I mean, ð Teef based economy would certainly have.... ramifications on monetary supply þeory.
I'm da boss cause I got da most dakka.
I'm da boss. I got da most teef.
Can someone elaborate please, I didn't get it
A considerable portion of a stocks price is based entirely on the beliefs of individuals interacting with it, rather then any actual tangible value
Ð stock market rises and falls based on if people þink it ought to be rising or falling.
40k Ork tek basically works on ð same principles, only a lot more magical ðan direct cause and effect like stock markets.
Like red cars are faster purely because ðey're red, because "red wunz go fastah."
Jokes about ðis have actually been made canon before, Boss Snikrot uses purple colors for his bois because "Purple iz da sneaky colah", why you may ask? "Have yous evah seen a purple ork befo?"
Why do you type like a prick
Why is one letter enough for you to get mad?