I have a Sherlock challenge to smith a rune med, so I should be grinding smithing. It's horribly boring, though, so I'm mostly just doing slayer tasks.
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Slayer is by far the best way to procrastinate Skilling, if I'd put the time that I've spent into post-99 slayer into Skilling I'm pretty sure I'd have maxed by now ๐
I've been working on maxing crafting (just hit 92, s/o to bon jovi!) procrastinating my inferno attempts. was on a tob grind but I just couldn't live with a 47 max hit on scythe anymore and can't afford scy, tob gear, and ultor rn :c
I miss tob so much but my bestie is letting me borrow her tbow so I really oughta just get in that frickin volcano already
Don't remind me I haven't touched inferno, cheese cape is my ride or die
update, I got back on that horse I'm gonna try to keep at daily attempts! made a new PB of wave 28 after a couple weeks off, feels good :)
I am doing the Tedious challenge, collecting things from the collection log via its plugin. Current assignment is 5 uniques from Hard Clue scrolls, and my luck so far has been horrible. 2 times I got the clue scroll that needs a rune heraldic helm, which ironman can only get from hard clue scrolls... looking forward to it finishing.
I'm very close to 99 mining (about 400k left), so will probably continue star mining and amethyst mining.
My medium term goal is Varrock Elite (which is why I starting mining) and all I have left is 7 more runecrafting levels... but I really dislike this skill, so have been dragging my feet.
Iam grinding Factorio, so all pvm have stopped, and now I'm just fishing sacred eels trying to get 91 fishing for mory elite diary
Hit 99 fm after the rework as I was waiting for it. Hit 99 mining right after from months of stars. Now doing anglerfish until 99 fishing while I play on the HC. Main is 2171 so getting there.