Ugh, this is the worst timeline. Poor FFXIV, it really does not deserve this. :(
A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, which has a free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn, the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansion up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. FFXIV's newest expansion, Dawntrail, is out now.
- Be civil and respectful.
- Mark all spoilers.
- Do not spam.
- No sexual NSFW content.
- Keep it Final Fantasy XIV related.
Every day im reminded squeenix is fundamentally a crap company.
Specially after they tried potentially pushing the concept of artificial scarcity through nft's.
Itd be like disney started abusing their IP to make a quick buck. Oh wait they're doing that too lol.
If its ff14 related and yoshi-p's team didnt make it, i just won't even look at it.
It sounds like what that ffxi mobile game was gonna be, so realistically, it's probably just going to fizzle out too lol
Did that dragoon Stardiver Titan? Also, that last clip really brings back the PTSD of ARR; additionally, I wonder how the voices are to be handled.
Man, I have to assume that they'll simply the crap out of abilities and controls because I'm not sure how touchscreen friendly this would be at all lmao
Sounds awesome but wow, completely out of nowhere lol