Netflix management were so stupid to lose him from The Witcher.
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"Hey, let's side against the star who's a massive fan and the entire fanbase in favour of a showrunner who actively hates the source material! No way that can backfire!"
I am in two different mindsets.
Love that Warhammer is finally getting a show, and it's being produced by a real fan who will put everything he can into making it awesome (at least I hope so anyways).
But, I also fucking hate Games Worksop. We already had amazing content made by fans and it was free. They have clamped down on their IP so hard it nearly choked to death.
cant wait for cavill to be booted again cause he was an asshole controlfreak that annoyed everyone so much they booted him.
If anything, its gonna be worse when he likes warhammer seemingly more than the witcher.