I think this setting has been around for a while. I believe it mostly learns from your usage of a given app so it knows when and where to suggest it. It’s not consuming any of your data within the app.
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@RunningInRVA thank you for clarifying about this function 🙏
This is a claim iOS may make. However, iOS fails to include a libre software license text file, like GPL. 🚩 So, we do not control it. This failure bans anyone else from easily proving this claim, forcing them to derail with excuses like reverse engineering. 🚩🚩
Yawn. Better get used to it because it’s not going anywhere unless you plan to go back to cave paintings and carving with rocks.
As soon as Apple announced AI for iOS I sold my iPhone 15 and got a pixel and installed GrapheneOS on it and have no Apple or Google services installed all open source. And more importantly no AI.
Well there is something of a small movement to ditch smartphones for dumbphones, like people did in ancient times 20 years ago
So you are unintentionally onto something
It's on-device...