raises hand
New to Lemmy
Did you just join Lemmy? This community is for you!
Do you want to help new users around? Then this community is for also you!
Thank you all for being here, it makes a big difference
- You don't have to post here, but it's fun!
- You don't have to post right away, come back later if you want
- You can post as many times as you want
I don't know what to post
- Share what you're looking for, or what you want to do. We'll help you find it
- Ask questions! The Fediverse is new to most people. If you're unsure about something, others are unsure as well.
- Just smile and wave, maybe someone will wave back π
Hey, be careful with that gesture!
I'll have you know I was not awkwardly excited when raising my hand. Nor did my heart go to you.
I have it on good authority it's perfectly innocent. Probably accidental.
Not new, just lurking
I'm kinda new I guess. Switched after the third party app fiasco. I use the lemmy connect app, not sure if that's "the best one" but it reminds me of how the RiF app was. Don't really have a list of personal subs, just the main page stuff.
It's nice here. Still get some memes and world news without a lot of drama. Not as big of course but I don't mind that.
Where did you find a picture of me?!
I swear it has nothing to do with the plush toys that have started showing up in your room randomly......
Omo... Did I just win over my first staker??
First? Oh....ohhhhh.... you...uhmmmm...you don't know do you? Sorry....oof... that's.... that's rough.
Wait... Don't leave... Please! Let's play a game!
You can, but if they speak French, isn't [email protected] a better option?
I didn't think they have the same use. But juging from these reactions, I guess I was mistaken.
They kind of have the same use, but language barrier could be something.
Le français, que diable!
This place is packed with canucks!
@pseudo why would you send them here jlai.lu isn't enough ? β:meow_smile_happy:β
sigh alright folks...plenty of pitchforks and torches to go around. I'd like to see a nice orderly queue, and once you've got your kit, please make your way to the staging area. Steve and Tanja will get you sorted into groups, and hand out photos of interlopers....
Trump recommended Lemmy indirectly to me. ;)
Wahou ! Tell me more!
i like that we can chose so many different android apps for lemmy. i use eternity, which is faster than the official reddit app. veryyy nice.
i joined all the buyfromEU and buyfromCanada communities and found that they are very active. 1 post every 5mins or more.
The Trumpet is an awesome Salesman, we Euros and Canadians were never so close.π΅π±πͺπΊπ¨π¦πͺπ»