- lather: Highland Springs Soap Co - Eclipse
Atlas daily points: 2 points for scent notes +1 for crossposting on lemmy and reddit +1 points for doing a group shave today with other competitors
Atlas cumulative points: 77
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Atlas daily points: 2 points for scent notes +1 for crossposting on lemmy and reddit +1 points for doing a group shave today with other competitors
Atlas cumulative points: 77
-> 1-pass WTG head shave to get back into the swing of things. I know I say this a lot, so you better take it with a grain of salt...
Anyways, this was a very relaxed shave with a very smooth and slick lather - mutton tallow bases seem to be universally loved and thanks to this soap, I understand why. The scent is a bit too sweet and powdery, so I use it rarely. But the lather is always cream of the crop. Of course it wasn't close at all, but good enough for WTG.
I'm currently a very stressful time for my mental health. I notice I fall back into depressive thought patterns and all the stress also takes a toll on my body (reflux and other gastrointestinal disorders). My only day off after 5 early shifts was spent running errands and catching appointments, so not much rest. Problem is, now it's another 3 early shifts starting tomorrow and they want us to get in even earlier... sometimes I hate my job, but then again I need to focus on the positive aspects harder. It's just very hard atm.
You've got this
Atlas Shaves II - Day 17
Maybe LatherBot needs to be rebooted because it has a suspicious obsession with obscure soap makers. Today's selection, Sandalwood Ten by Soap Smooth had an abundance of uncommonly combined scent notes: sandalwood, vanilla, amyris, musk, rosewood, petitgrain, cedar, ylang-ylang, bergamot.
This one had me worried until stumbling across Eclipse with APR's impressive scent-catalog-as-fragrance: rum, cocoa, cistus, russian leather, bergamot, pink peppercorn, fig, musk, sandalwood, cedar, carnation, benzoin, amyris, mimosa, oud, narcissus, tobacco, lavender, civet.
Category | ∑ | Δ |
Daily theme soap | 24 | 0 |
Artisan | 36 | 0 |
Scenter | 0 | 0 |
Half of the scent notes | 8 | +2 |
Airbudding the day | 0 | 0 |
Cross posting | 17 | +1 |
Snitching | 0 | 0 |
Snitching incorrectly | 0 | 0 |
Goody Two-Shoes | 11 | +1 |
Total | 96 | +4 |
Eclipse ++;
Feb. 17, 2025
Day 50 of all Bubbles all the time.
This list is just February. Maybe on the 28th I list all 61. Will be interesting to see the how many were repeated over the 2 months but I know I have not repeated in the same month.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Back to the GTB kill with a quick and easy early (for me) morning shave. The Bolzano blade does really well in this razor, I may have to pick up more of these.
First day at the new job and with my new commute after working from home for the last ~5 years or so. It will be a bit of an adjustment, but I'm mostly looking forward to it.
Have a great day y'all!
What is it with LatherBot and Soap Smooth? I hadn't even heard of that soaper before AS2EB and today is the second time it came up when it counted, and with a 9-note scent to boot: Sandalwood Ten by Soap Smooth, notes: sandalwood, vanilla, amyris, musk, rosewood, petitgrain, cedar, ylang-ylang, bergamot.
Luckily both Texaus and Eclipse are scent note matches, so I live another day:
Eclipse notes: rum, cocoa, cistus, russian leather, bergamot, pink peppercorn, fig, musk, sandalwood, cedar, carnation, benzoin, amyris, mimosa, oud, narcissus, tobacco, lavender, civet.
Road to Victory:
Category | ∑ | Δ |
Daily theme soap | 12 | 0 |
Artisan | 36 | 0 |
Scenter | 0 | 0 |
Half of the scent notes | 10 | +2 |
Airbudding the day | 1 | 0 |
Cross posting | 16 | +1 |
Snitching | 6 | 0 |
Snitching incorrectly | 0 | 0 |
Goody Two-Shoes | 15 | +1 |
Total | 98 | +4 |
Nonidi 29 Pluviôse an 233 de la Révolution, jour de Chélidoine
Another republican day, another plant I knew nothing about. It's this one, if you are interested. If you're not interested, it it still this one.
In shave-related news, I got back my kamisori from Boris de Rivière on Saturday, sharpened it yesterday, and tried it out today in the morning. I didn't pay enough attention when honing (I thought the issue was that I didn't get close enough on the toe on the other side; doh!), but the toe slightly points into one direction, and can leave a trace in the strop. Also, I feel it on one side when shaving, so I guess the razor will have to go back on the stones before I use it again. I didn't measure it before I sent it away, but I assume there has been quite considerable shortening going on.
Have a good day!
February 18, 2025