I think you should ask that to lemmynsfw.com moderators or their support groups; not here
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There is only one mod listed and their last post or comment activity anywhere on lemmy was 11 months ago
each instance has their own rules and different admins, you can't expect lemmy.world mods to make changes on a lemmynsfw.com community. As a different example, I am the admin of lemmy.bascul.in but I can't change the moderators in a community hosted by lemmy.world.
On their site, the admins and contact information is visible here
Yes, but the community you listed is not a lemmy.world community. It is a lemmynsfw.com community. Nobody here can actually make you a mod of that community. That needs to be done by a lemmynsfw.com admin not a lemmy.world admin.
I didn't know there was a difference. Thanks for the explanation
I do not support this user being a moderator. They have recently abused the report system claiming "harassment" against me unjustly. I do not trust this user can fairly moderate a community.
Edit: on second glance I realize they were even referencing a community on another instance. It seems they don't really understand the platform either.
Got this guy tagged as Racist Ass MFer. Just FYI.
This is not the way to handle this. See the things in the sidebar to the right to report it in a better way.
I went through about a week, and there's some really vile shit in there, but I didn't see racism. Misogyny, sure. Lame boomer humor, absolutely. But I didn't immediately find anything I should take action against.