- Lather: Talent Soap Factory - Trash Panda
Day 2 of the TSF domination era of March Madness. Great to see TSF in the #1 spot after round 1, let's keep it going!
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Day 2 of the TSF domination era of March Madness. Great to see TSF in the #1 spot after round 1, let's keep it going!
This scent progression is a roller coaster, or maybe a stank sandwich is a better description. Both Armonía and Blugère are playful variations of the fougère family, and Fougère Classique is the big, stanky, oldschool, and heavy straight-up fougère. Really an enjoyable contrast.
I'm totally loving the new C&H handle and Fanchurian.
Great looking brush!
Thanks! I'm totally in love with how it looks and feels :)
Yeah, gorgeous brush!! I have several brushes from Rob. I’ll buy another if the right one shows up :)
This is my fourth. I really enjoy his fluted handles, and I predict this won't be my last either :)
First time using this set. The amber mixes surprisingly well with the aquatic notes and has this woodiness that all blends together well. Been trying not to look at what people use too much for MM. It’ll be fun to see how these next few rounds go. Happy Monday!
March 3, 2025
The Chiseled Face base is really great. Just good, no frills soap. The Chiseled Face Legacy is one of my all-time favorite razors. They've been discontinued, so get your hands on one if you can!
Mar. 3, 2025
I said I was going to ride or die for Stirling, but one of the benefits of having an infant is that time has no meaning so I decided to bide my time and wait.
No way BAM was going down like this.
So I pulled out the OG, the soap that made me a wet shaving hobbyist. The soap I stayed up to midnight for a decade ago.
Ride on, BAM.
Monday, March 03, 2025
A nice lazy shave this morning. Off to explore!
Tridi 13 Ventôse an 233 de la Révolution, jour de Fumeterre
Smooth shave – the Puma grows on me.
Have a good evening!
Puma ++;
I really like mine too, and I don't really understand what makes it so pleasant.
Mine is rather small, is cosmetically challenged, but shaves like a champ
I think that the Puma 89 (6/8) is the sweet spot. I’d like to find a larger one.
I haven't seen a 89 around – but I thought that higher is better, and that 100 > 89 😜
The 89 is the standard 6/8 I believe. The “High Class” is the one with all the bling. Naturally, that’s the one I want - in 6/8 or 7/8.
Mine doesn't have any cosmetic challenges, otherwise the description applies.
I love this brush. It's broken in nicely after a dozen uses or so and it's very plush. Denim and Dirtyver go together really well too.
Every time I see this brush it makes me wanna try a bulb.
Dude get one of these if you can find one. It's extremely comfy to hold and the hair is really good, at least it feels like it on my skin. You might still be able to find some if they aren't sold out. I think Oneblade brushes are Thaters too, but I don't know about long-term availability or whether they'll switch suppliers or whatever.
That ship seems to have sailed. Who knows, maybe there will be one at a good price on some bst
March 3, 2025
Brush: Brad Sears Scotsman XL 28mm Super Badger
Razor: Campabasso 11/16 Full Hollow Round Point
Lather: Wholly Kaw - King of Oud - Soap
Aftershave: Wholly Kaw - King of Oud - Aftershave
Fragrance: Creed - Royal Oud
Talc: Yardley Gold
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
This was a shave test of a Campobasso razor that I honed earlier today. The razor (owned by u/EldrormR) has a crack near the center of the edge. I left the crack in when I honed the razor to see if I could get by without removing it. I think that the razor shaves fine. A lot of material would need to be removed if the crack had caused problems.
I made a honing video and a shaving video with this razor.
Mar 3, 2025 - MM25: Talent Soap Factory
Another use of TSF, and WTWTW is one of their odd scent combinations that somehow works well. Followed it up with Troll Toll for good measure.